DIY ROBOTICS Design | Programming | Implementation Eric Cauble - University of South Carolina Upstate - SCSC W314 View slide notes for more info!!!!!
WHY DIY ROBOTICS? Learn concepts outside of CS electrical engineering computer engineering Arduino schematic PCB trace DIY Arduino
WHY DIY ROBOTICS? Good for small-scale prototyping Wealth of information resources: online communities open source code/ development environments open source hardware
WHY DIY ROBOTICS? Cheap, readily available parts
Single-board microcontrollers Arduino (C++) $20- $70 IOIO (Android) $50 FEZ Panda (.NET/C#) $40 Raspberry Pi (Python) $25
HARDWARE - MOTORS Servo $15-$25 DC Motor $2-$10 Linear actuator $80-$150 Stepper $15-$25
HARDWARE - COMPONENTS GPS Module $75 Gripper $10 Arm link $30 Gyro module $30 Accelerometer $30
GET STARTED 1. Create a goal, or task you want your robot to complete 2. Design your robot/buy parts based on your goals 3. Assemble it from your parts list 4. Program one step at a time 5. Test and improve
Video Example video removed to save file size
Questions Q: Why would a brushed DC motor be a poor choice for an arm joint motor? Q: Why would a brushed DC motor be a poor choice for an arm joint motor? A: Hard to measure rotations, speed controlled by applying resistance, need to physically swap positive and negative leads to reverse rotation. A: Hard to measure rotations, speed controlled by applying resistance, need to physically swap positive and negative leads to reverse rotation. Q: What are the main differences between a servo motor and a stepper motor? Q: What are the main differences between a servo motor and a stepper motor? A: Servos use encoders to provide position, speed and feedback. Standard servos can only turn between 0 to 180 degrees. A: Servos use encoders to provide position, speed and feedback. Standard servos can only turn between 0 to 180 degrees. A: Steppers divide a full rotation into a number of equal steps. Use electromagnets around iron gear to turn motor. Steppers can make full rotations. A: Steppers divide a full rotation into a number of equal steps. Use electromagnets around iron gear to turn motor. Steppers can make full rotations. Q: Name one Single-board microcontroller. Q: Name one Single-board microcontroller. A: Arduino, IOIO, FEZ Panda, Raspberry PI, Make Controller, PIC Programmer, DWENGO, AVR A: Arduino, IOIO, FEZ Panda, Raspberry PI, Make Controller, PIC Programmer, DWENGO, AVR
Literature Review /resource_center/stepper_motors_vs._servo_motors_vs._int elligent_motors_- _the_facts/ m/step_by_step_robot.shtmlhttp:// actuators_servos.shtml#digitalanalogservos /resource_center/stepper_motors_vs._servo_motors_vs._int elligent_motors_- _the_facts/ m/step_by_step_robot.shtmlhttp:// actuators_servos.shtml#digitalanalogservos elligent_motors_- _the_facts/ elligent_motors_- _the_facts/