For our statistics group project, we selected the exhalation study to utilize different sampling methods of data. Part one of the assignment was to complete a pie chart for the total population sample. This data is shown on slide (2) of the presentation From the population sample, two methods for sampling the data were chosen; simplified randomization and the systematic sampling method. The Stat Crunch program was used to randomize the data. Pie charts, bar charts, and pareto charts are shown in the following presentation to give graphical representations of male and female gender for the random sampling and systematic sampling methods used. A sample of 32 was used for both methods. Exhalation Study Group Project
Total Population of Age in (Years) The pie chart located to the left represents the total population of age in years for the exhalation study.
Pie Chart of Males and Females Studied Systematic Gender Sample Total Population: 32 The chart seen on the left represents a systematic method for sampling the total population of males and females studied. Every 32 nd data point was chosen and entered into Stat Lab. The pie chart shows the Systematic percentage of males and females studied % of the population sampled were female percent of the data was male.
Bar Graph of Males and Females Systematic Gender Sample Total Population 32 Once again, the bar chart to the left represents the systematic data that was chosen for every 32 nd data point which was entered into Stat Lab. The bar chart shows percent of samples were female and percent were male.
Pareto Chart of Males and Females Systematic Gender Sample Total Population 32 The pareto chart seen on the right shows that the systematic data samples for both male and female were nearly equal.
Pie Chart of Males and Females Random Number Generation Total Population: 32 The pie chart on the left represents a simple randomized sample of the total population of males and females. The Stat Lab program was used to randomize the data for the total population. The randomized data percentages are very similar to the data found in the stratified sampling method.
Bar Graph of Males and Females Random Number Generation Total Population: 32 The bar chart on the left shows that the majority of the population sampled for the exhalation study were women for the simple randomized data sampling method.
Pareto Graph of Males and Females Random Number Generation Total Population: 32 The pareto chart for the simple randomization method shows a higher percentage of women participants than men.