10/2/2009Utilities & Engineering Services1 Meeting Agenda Introduction Meeting Purpose Review CEST Mission & Organization Establish Team Ground Rules Review Working Group Role Review Schedule Assignments Next Meetings Welcome to the Energy Working Group
10/2/2009Utilities & Engineering Services Sustain. Strategic Plan Outline See handout I.Exec. Summary - 1 page II.Introduction/Background – 2 pages III.Methodology – 1-2 pages IV.Strategies – 1-2 pages per WG/focus V.Communications – 1-2 pages VI.Strategic Integration – 1 page VII.Conclusion – 1 page VIII.Appendices Due to CEST on Wednesday, November 11, 2009 Energy Working Group Purpose
10/2/2009Utilities & Engineering Services3 CEST Mission & Vision (adopted spring 2009) Who we are The Campus Environmental Sustainability Team (CEST) is a visionary, action-oriented group dedicated to learning about and advancing campus sustainability. Mission Our mission is to create and implement multifaceted strategies across sustainability components that result in NC State as an environmentally, socially and economically balanced university. Vision CEST catalyzes campus wide collaboration and shared responsibility to transform NC State into a sustainable community. CEST Background
10/2/2009Utilities & Engineering Services4 History Importance of Sustainability Program Mandates 2006 Assessment University commitments Participatory process Focus on campus program Mission & Vision CEST Background
10/2/2009Utilities & Engineering Services5 Other Campus Offices Chancellor Appoint Co-Sustainability Officers Approve CEST recommendations Co-Sustainability Officers for Operations & Academics/Research Co-chair CEST Present CEST recommendations for endorsement Executive Officers Review & forward CEST recommendations Campus Environmental Sustainability Team Administrative Advisory Committee Set direction through strategic planning Provide monitoring & accountability for adhering to strategic plan and commitments Sustainability Office CEST/Working Group support Accountability/metrics/reporting Communication & outreach Events/Earth Week CEST Working Groups Develop & implement strategic & tactical planning Advisory Functional Academics/ResearchTransportationLand UseMaterials & Purchasing Energy & Water Buildings Energy Council Capital Projects Management & Design & Construction Services Office of Energy Management University Architect’s Office Purchasing Dept. Transportation Dept. Waste Reduction & Recycling Chairs of 7 Working Groups: Academics/Research Buildings Energy & Water Land Use Materials & Purchasing Transportation Waste Reduction & Recycling Sustainability Office Student Government Staff Senate Faculty Senate Provost rep Inter-Residence Council Housing rep Centennial rep 2 At large Student Orgs. & Student Government University Partners Environmental Health and Safety Resources
CEST Charge Phase 1: Produce a NC State 5-year Sustainability Strategic Plan by Jan Phase 2: Participate in the creation of NC State’s Climate Action Plan (CAP), beginning Spring 2010 Phase 3: Sustainability Tactical Plan and revisit Sustainability Strategic Plan once CAP completed Contribute to Sustainability Annual Report & other scorecards CEST Background 10/2/20096Utilities & Engineering Services
10/2/2009 Utilities & Engineering Services 7 Land Use Materials & Purchasing Transportation Waste Reduction & Recycling Academics & Research Buildings Energy & Water Sustainability Strategic Plan Climate Action Plan
10/2/2009Utilities & Engineering Services8 Team Ground Rules Energy Working Group Team Development
10/2/2009Utilities & Engineering Services9 Team Goal Clarity
10/2/2009Utilities & Engineering Services10 Team Role Clarity
10/2/2009Utilities & Engineering Services11 Team Decision Making Dynamics
10/2/2009Utilities & Engineering Services12 Team Interpersonal Relationships
10/2/2009Utilities & Engineering Services13 Team Ground Rules Now that we have reviewed Team Goal Clarity, Role Clarity, Decision Making Dynamics and Interpersonal Relationships… …what are our team ground rules?
10/2/ Problem Statement: NC State is not meeting building energy consumption goals that are mandated by North Carolina Session Law (e.g., reduce energy consumption by 20% by the year 2010 and 30% by 2015 relative to baseline). The 2008 NC State Green House Gas Inventory determined that building electricity, natural gas and fuel oil comprise over 76% of our carbon emissions. In fact, during , energy consumption increased by 3.1% per GSF compared to the energy baseline. Energy costs per student has increased over 53% compared to baseline. Combined energy and water cost were $33 mm in Business Case: Over the long term, the cost of building energy will increase. By significantly reducing campus energy consumption in a real and sustained manner today, total energy cost will decrease, which will benefit North Carolina, NC State, and the environment. Goal Statement: NC State will achieve a 20% reduction in building energy consumption by 2015 ($6.5 mm savings), with a stretch goal of achieving a 30% reduction ($9.8 mm savings), compared to the baseline. Key Performance Indicators: Utility Cost per GSF ($/GSF) Energy (BTU) per GSF (BTU/GSF) Utility Cost per Student ($/FTE) Electricity per ton of Chilled Water (kW/ton) Campus Area Gross Square Feet (GSF) In Scope / Out of Scope: IN Campus Utilities – electric, natural gas, fuel oil, water OUT Storm Water Utilities & Engineering Services Introduction
10/2/2009Utilities & Engineering Services15 NS State Energy Trend 20% reduction would bring us to 137,600 BUTs/GSF
10/2/2009Utilities & Engineering Services16 NC State Greenhouse Gas Inventory Pareto Analysis NC State completed it’s first Greenhouse Gas Inventory for The majority of GHG emissions from the University are from electrical consumption, natural gas usage, and commuting. The survey found the University contributed over 270,069 MTeCO2 in Pareto analysis shows building energy accounted for over 75% of our Greenhouse Gases NC State GHG Inventory Pareto Chart
10/2/2009Utilities & Engineering Services17 NC State Greenhouse Gas Inventory Tree Map 143,494 MTeCO2 60,956 MTeCO2 32,060 MTeCO2 15,500MTeCO2 7,330 MTeCO2 3,631 MTeCO23,533 MTeCO2 All other sources: 4,130 MTeCO NC State GHG Inventory Tree Map, All GHG sources = 270,069 MTeCO2
10/2/ SuppliersInputs (X)ProcessOutputs (Y)CustomersRequirements Progress EnergyElectricityEnergy / Water Generation Delivery Metering Distribution Consumption Utility Payment Conservation Measures Work Lighting Heating Cooling Students, Faculty, Staff, Visitors Reliable and safe electricity. Public Service of North Carolina Natural GasHeating Cooling Electricity (future) Students, Faculty, Staff, Visitors Reliable and safe natural gas. City of RaleighPotable Water Heating Cooling Students, Faculty, Staff, Visitors Reliable and safe drinking water. Hess OilFuel OilHeating Cooling Transportation Students, Faculty, Staff, Visitors Reliable and safe fuel oil. Energy Service Companies Energy Consulting Energy Saving Projects Students, Faculty, Staff, Visitors Energy savings. Facility Operations - Utilities and Engineering Campus Energy Distribution and Monitoring Chilled Water Steam Electricity Distribution Energy Savings Students, Faculty, Staff, Visitors Reliable, safe and efficient delivery of campus utilities. Utilities & Engineering Services ENERGY MANAGEMENT SIPOC Analysis
10/2/2009Utilities & Engineering Services19 More of…Less of… Link Energy and Climate relationshipTurn Off the Lights to Save Money What’s our Greenhouse Gas Inventory?What do we spend on energy? Faculty / Student / Staff CollaborationSilos Smart Energy / Water MetersAntiquated Energy / Water Meters Energy ModelingEnergy Reporting Hedge Strategies / Renewable EnergyTraditional Utility Procurement Predictive MaintenanceFix what’s Broken Use Energy Only When NeededAlways On, No Matter What View Real Time Energy (KPI Dashboard) We are over budget, now what? High Performance Buildings (Lifecycle Costs) Lowest First-Cost Buildings Influence Future Energy Policy and RatesOh boy, another rate increase! NC State - National Energy LeaderNC State - Regional Energy Leader ENERGY More Of / Less Of Analysis
10/2/2009Utilities & Engineering Services20 SUCCESSFUL CHANGE Q X A = E “Q” is the Quality of the New Strategy “A” is the Acceptance of the People Strategy “E” is the Effectiveness of the Sustained Change
10/2/2009Utilities & Engineering Services21 Q X A = E HOW DO WE ACHIEVE “E?” 1.Strong Program Leadership 2.Enhanced Energy Awareness – CEST and CAP 3.Aggressive Energy Conservation Policies 4.Engaged Facility Operations 5.Energy Smart Repair and Renovation Capital Programs 6.Identify and Address Poor Energy Performing Buildings 7.More Energy Performance Contracting 8.Green Computing Best Practices 9.Incentive-ize Energy Conservation 10.Build High Performing Buildings 11.Document and Report Savings
10/2/2009Utilities & Engineering Services22 Beware of unintended consequences!
10/2/2009Utilities & Engineering Services Campus Sustainability Plan Phase 1: Produce a NC State 5-year Sustainability Strategic Plan by January Develop the Plan through Working Groups, including the Energy & Water working group. Phase 2: Participate in the creation of NC State’s Climate Action Plan (“CAP”), beginning in spring Phase 3: Expand the Sustainability Tactical Plan to 5-years and revisit Sustainability Strategic Plan once CAP is completed. Contribute to Sustainability Annual Report and other scorecards. CEST – the way to move forward
10/2/2009Utilities & Engineering Services24 Time line DateAction 11/11/09½ WG present draft SSP to CEST (WRR, Transportation, Energy & Water, Materials & Purchasing) 12/9/09½ WG present draft SSP to CEST (Academics & Research, Buildings, Land Use) 1/13/10Final SSP due to Univ. Sust. Office 2/10/10Co-Chairs present SSP to CEST Spring 2010Create tactics for SSP Spring 2010Open forums for campus input Spring 2010Begin Climate Action Plan participation July 2010Contribute to Sustainability Annual Report Sept. 2010Present SSP to Executive Council Following CAPRevisit SSP Energy Working Group Schedule
10/2/2009Utilities & Engineering Services25 Energy Working Group Schedule Energy Working Group Meeting Schedule: 1.Wednesday, October 14 th ; 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM 2.Friday, October 23 rd ; 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM 3.Wednesday, October 28 th ; 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM 4.Friday, November 6; 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM Meeting Location: Yarborough Training Room
10/2/2009Utilities & Engineering Services26 Energy Working Group Assignment Reduce building energy by 20% compared to baseline (30% stretch goal) by ENERGY DATA MANAGEMENT ENERGY PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT ENERGY USE IN FACILITIES EQUIPMENT EFFICIENCIES CAMPUS INTEGRATION GOAL TACTICS ENERGY SUPPLY MANAGEMENT ENERGY DEMAND MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES ASSIGNMENT: Think about our internal Strengths & Weaknesses, and external Opportunities & Threat for the next meeting.
10/2/2009Utilities & Engineering Services27 Questions?