Presented by: Erin Ludwick Nanci Klein Christie Kleinert Aaron Phillips Living Heart Smart
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women (Murphy, Xu, & Kochanek, 2010). Although some causes cannot be changed, careful monitoring and taking preventative steps can help to improve these statistics. Educating the public on risk factors and preventative measures can help alleviate any confusion and improve the overall health and well-being of the community. About 600,000 people die of heart disease in the United States every year– that’s 1 in every 4 deaths. Every year about 720,000 Americans have a heart attack. Of these, 515,000 are a first heart attack and 205,000 happen in people who have already had a heart attack. Coronary heart disease alone costs the United States $108.9 billion each year. This total includes the cost of health care services, medications, and lost productivity. (CDC, 2014) Living Heart Smart Introduction
High blood pressure, high LDL cholesterol, and smoking are key risk factors for heart disease. About half of Americans (49%) have at least one of these three risk factors Diabetes Overweight and obesity Poor diet Physical inactivity Excessive alcohol use (CDC, 2014) Living Heart Smart Risk Factors for Heart Disease
We are committed to providing individualized health risk assessments and education to the community in order to promote healthier lifestyles. We strive to provide high-quality, cost-effective, private cardiovascular screening in a warm and friendly environment, treating the individual with dignity and respect. Living Heart Smart Mission Statement
We believe that every individual should be afforded the opportunity of a professional health screenings in a caring and compassionate environment that promotes health, safety, and overall well-being. Our philosophy is to promote healthy lifestyle changes and well-being to individuals by providing the necessary tools and education that empower them in a positive and supportive manner. We will utilize core values of respect, commitment, integrity, and honesty to achieve our goal to improve the overall health and well-being of the individual and their community. Living Heart Smart Philosophy
Respect: We will value the individual and their unique differences, developing a wellness plan specific to them. We will provide care to all and work with them to assist in developing achievable goals. Commitment: We are dedicated to assisting individuals to live healthier lifestyles. We will work together with the individual to identify risk factors affecting their health and well-being and assist them in setting goals to reduce their risks. Integrity: We will do the right thing for our clients, every time. We will hold information in the strictest of confidence. We will maintain effective professional communication and demonstrate ethical behavior with all interactions. Honesty: Serves the foundation of our client/nurse relationship. Wellness can only be achieved through an honest assessment of risk factors and barriers affecting an individual’s success. Living Heart Smart Philosophy
Improve the overall cardiovascular health in the community by encouraging heart healthy lifestyles Objective 1.1 To provide up-to-date educational materials on cardiovascular care, such as pamphlets, hand-outs, community programs, and suggested websites Objective 1.2 To provide information on community resources that will assist patients with their risk areas identified at their risk assessment Living Heart Smart Goals & Objectives 1
Decrease the smoking population within the community Objective 2.1 To reduce risk of cardiovascular disease by quitting smoking as evidenced by increased utilization of smoking cessation therapies Objective 2.2 To provide information on the relationship between smoking and cardiovascular care in the form of educational materials Objective 2.3 To provide information on smoking cessation programs in the community Living Heart Smart Goals & Objectives 2
Reduce the number of obese individuals within the community Objective 3.1 To reduce the clients risk of cardiovascular disease through changes in dietary habits as evidenced by a 10% decrease in cholesterol level Objective 3.2 To reduce the risk of developing heart disease through implementation of a heart healthy diet as evidenced by a 5% reduction in body weight Living Heart Smart Goals & Objectives 3
Living Heart Smart Organizational Chart
Consultant The consultant acts as a connection between the organization and Ferris State University. Once an idea or role is developed, as a group we address them with the consultant who approves or denies the idea. Executive Committee The executive committee will be in charge of establishing the program guidelines & objectives, researching the information pertinent for the program, and making any decisions related to changing the program. Marketing The marketing committee serves as the line of communication between the public and the executive committee. They are responsible for identifying the target population and developing a marketing plan for advertisement and evaluation. They will be responsible for communicating needs and information with the budget & finance and supporting committees. Living Heart Smart Job Descriptions
Logistics The logistics committee will be responsible for setting up venue location, equipment, and material needed for the project. The logistics committee will share the information gathered with the financial committee so a budget can be made, and a plan can be finalized. Budget and Finance The budget and finance committee will be in charge of the project’s finances. The budget and finance committee will communicate with all supporting committees to develop a budget that will be approved by the executive committee. Once the budget is approved the budget and finance committee will be responsible for allocating finances to the supporting committees for completion of the project. Event Coordinator The event coordinator is charged with staffing and overseeing operations the day of the event. They will work with the logistics committee and staff to ensure the event is ready for operation the day of the event. Living Heart Smart Job Descriptions
Registered Nurse The registered nurse will be available at each event to provide education on cardiac-related issues and prevention methods. They will interact directly with patients and nursing assistants to provide accurate, up-to-date information, and will report to the health event coordinator. Requirements: Must have experience with clinical health education; weight loss management, tobacco cessation, stress management, physical activity; Have great understanding of various biometric results including and not limited to BP, Cholesterol, BF/BMI, etc.; Be professional and well spoken Nursing Assistant Under the supervision of the RN, the nursing assistant will be available at each event to provide assistance with obtaining subjective information such as blood pressure, blood glucose, and weight. They will also complete clerical duties as needed, such as filling out patient information cards. Living Heart Smart Job Descriptions
To be considered for this position please resume to: or contact us at 1800livinghs Living Heart Smart is an organization committed to individualized health risk assessments and education to the community in order to promote healthier lifestyles. We strive to provide high-quality, cost-effective, private cardiovascular screening in a warm and friendly environment, treating the individual with dignity and respect. Requirements: Must have experience with: clinical health education weight loss management tobacco cessation stress management physical activity understanding of various biometric results Must be professional and well spoken Living Heart Smart Seeking RN
Supplies Needed: Stethoscope, Blood Pressure Cuffs (sizes small, large, and extra large), Scale, Measuring Tape, Educational Materials (printed pamphlets, patient information cards), Pens, Calculator, Anti-septic hand lotion. Estimated total = $750 –Monthly supplies: $200 Job Advertisement: –American Journal of Nursing website has free job posting available for 30 days powered by Nursing Jobs Plus. –Local Paper: $209 Estimated Operating Expenses: Operating expenses will be covered by the company we are providing our service for. Tables, chairs, lighting, building, etc. will not be the responsibility of the Living Heart Smart program. Position Salaries: Salaries are estimated for 16 hours per week. –Certified Nursing Assistant: $9.00/hr. ($576/month) –Registered Nurse: $20.00/hr. ($1,280/month) –Health Event Coordinator: $25.00/hr. ($1,600/month) Living Heart Smart Budget Proposal
Position Requirements and Hours: Staff will work two days a week for a maximum of 16 hours (2 days, 8 hours/day). No holidays, weekends, or overtime will be permitted. Fees and Reimbursement: We will charge each company a flat rate of $600 to come and service their employees with the Living Heart Smart program. If we see more than 50 employees and/or patients for our program, we will charge $5.00/extra employee. Living Heart Smart Budget Proposal Continued..
COSTS = $3,656/month + (one time fee) Supplies (one time fee): $1,000 Estimated Operating Expenses: $200/month Employee Salaries: $3,456/month FEES = $4,800/month $600 Minimum + $5.00/employees over 50 $600 flat rate x 2 projects/week = $4,800 Profit $1,144/month Living Heart Smart Budget Proposal Totals (Maximum Amounts Used in Total)
Executive Summary Living Heart Smart is a service company dedicated to providing health risk assessments to corporations. The company will focus on corporations with employees. Completing biometric screenings will assist in identifying risk factors of heart disease. Identifying these risk factors and developing an individualized plan to reduce the risks will benefit both the employee and corporation. The key to success will be to attract corporations completing yearly biometric screening. The purpose of this marketing plan is to attract potential clients interested in lowering their healthcare costs while improving the health of their employees. Market Needs Living Heart Smart is providing its customers with individual biometric screenings in a flexible manner to meet their needs. We are committed to fulfilling the following benefits that are important to its customers: Flexibility: We realize every customer has unique needs and Living Heart Smart will provide onsite services to meet those needs. Quality: We are committed to providing individualized health risk assessments and education to the employee in order to promote healthier lifestyles. Individualized plans: We will promote healthy lifestyle changes and well-being to individuals by providing the necessary tools and education that empower them in a positive and supportive manner. Market Trends Recent changes in healthcare have corporations looking for ways to reduce costs. The Affordable Care Act has expanded employers’ ability to reward employees who meet health status goals. Providing health risk assessments, and offering wellness programs, reduces the rising cost of health benefits, absenteeism, and employee turnover. Marketing Strategy Print media will be utilized in local business publications. A direct mailing campaign will be employed to targeted corporations. Both methods will be followed by direct sales calls and onsite presentations by the sales executives of the Living Heart Smart marketing committee. James, 2013, para. 3 Living Heart Smart Marketing Plan
The community needs this business to address their healthcare needs and assist them in healthier behaviors. If we can address these high risk behaviors early, there is room for improvement and will decrease healthcare costs over their lifetime. The cost of our business is a fraction of the cost of medical care for chronic heart disease. Living Heart Smart is committed to making the community healthier one step at a time. Living Heart Smart Conclusion
Centers for Disease Control. (2014) Heart Disease Facts. Retrieved from: James, J. (2013). Workplace wellness programs. Retrieved from Murphy SL, Xu JQ, Kochanek KD. Deaths: Final data for Natl Vital Stat Rep. 2013;61(4). nvsr/nvsr61/nvsr61_04.pdf References