Preparing for Your Performance Review Prepared by: PUC Human Resources Department
Objectives These slides will cover the following important points of information: The Review Cycle Core Components of the Review Process How to Prepare for a Self Review
PUC Review Cycle Staff GroupReview CycleDate Review to be Completed Regular A/P StaffJanuary 1, 2003 through March 1, 2004 March 31, 2004 Regular C/S StaffJanuary 1, 2003 through March 1, 2004 March 31, 2004 Regular FacultyReviewed on a yearly cycle by the end of each academic year. TBD
Purpose of the Performance Review The purpose of a performance review is to recognize positive performance and recognize accomplishments. It provides the opportunity to plan for and discuss goals and expectations. Lastly, the performance review facilitates coaching for performance improvement. This is where we “inspect what we expect.”
Core Components of the Performance Review Process First, all reviews are written based on documentation that exists for each position. Examples of this documentation include: –Position Description –Self Evaluation Document –Statement of Goals –Summary of Activities During Evaluation Process Second, all reviews include a face to face meeting with employee and supervisor Third, all reviews include a written evaluation by supervisor and self-evaluation written by employee There are three components to the way we conduct reviews at Purdue Calumet.
Preparing the Self Evaluation Identify Items you will be reviewed on Identify due dates for Self Evaluation and Review Meeting Gather and review documentation about your job –Position description and goals –Your activities during evaluation period Use documentation to write self evaluation –What are your strengths and opportunities? –What contributions have you made to your department? –What professional development activities have you participated in? –What aspects of your position do you need help with?
Participating in the Review Meeting Ask for clarification Provide input Offer ideas Make suggestions for improvement Identify training needs/resources Ask for feedback Tell supervisor of accomplishments Keep file of accomplishments Be willing to listen to suggestions for improvement or changes
Know Your Review Criteria Keep Performance Discussions Ongoing Contact Human Resources at with further questions or comments about your upcoming review. Additional Tips