What is the Bible? Does any one know what the word Bible means? The word Bible means Library The Bible isn’t one book it is lots of books written over a long time by many different people
The Bible is divided into two main parts Do you know what they are? Can you find out what the word Testament means?
We call the Bible the Word of God. This doesn’t mean we believe that God actual wrote the stories! We believe that the men and women who wrote the stories down wanted to share with us their thoughts on God and were inspired by God The Bible tells us about God and about how God wants us to live When we read a story from the Bible we always ask the question what does this story mean?
This is the story of the Jewish people It tells us about their thoughts, their poetry, the stories they told each other and some of their history It was written by many different people Some of these books are nearly 3000 years old A lot of it was written in Hebrew when these books were written England didn’t exist!
These books were written about 2000 years ago They tell us the Good News ( the Gospel) about Jesus We hear the stories of how the church started out We read the letters people wrote to each other about Jesus and God
QUIZ Decide if these stories are Old Testament or New Testament
Jonah: The man who ran away! One of the stories told in the Bible is about Jonah. The people who wrote this story wanted us to learn things about God. As you watch the story try to think what the story is telling us.