Staphylococcus & Streptococcus Station 1: Staphylococcus VS. Streptococcus3 Staphylococcus (aureus & epidermidis)4 Station 2: Gram stain of Staphylococcus5 Station 3: Gram stain of staphylococcus (pus)6 Station 4: Staphylococcus growth on blood agar7 Station 5: Deoxyribonulease test 8 Station 6: Mannitol sugar fermentation test 9 Station 7: Coagulase test 10 Station 8: Antibiotic sensitivity test, treatment& diseases11 Station 9: Summary and revision12 Streptococcus 13 Station 10: Gram stain of Streptococcus 14 Station 11: Gram stain of Streptococcus (pus)15 Station 12: Gram stain of Streptococcus pneumoniae16 Station 13: Gram Stain of Streptococcus pneumoniae17 Station 14: Capsule stain of Streptococcus pneumoniae18 Station 15: Alpha heamolytic Streptococci 19 Station 16: Beta heamolytic Streptococci20 Station 17: Gama or non-heamolytic Streptocooci21 Station 18: Optochin test22 Station 19: Bacitracin test23 Station 20: Capsule of Streptococcus Pyogens24 Station 21: Lancefield Grouping of beta heamolytic Streptococci 25 Station 22: Treatment & diseases26 Station 23: Summary and revision27
Staphylococcus StreptococcusSalineH2O2 H2O2H2O2 H2O2 H 2 O + O 2 (bubbles)H 2 O 2 1)Bring 2 slides 2) Add saline 3) Put some of the bacteria 4) Add H 2 O 2 5) See the difference 6) Take a look on the movie “Staph Vs Strept” included in the cd Station 1
Station 2
Station 3 Staphylococci Pus cells
Station 4 المفروض يكون اللون مائل للصفار و لكن ”لم تأخذ وقتها“ المفروض يكون اللون أكثر بياضاً من الموضح. و لكن ”لم تأخذ وقتها“
Station 5
Station 6 MSA = Mannitol sugar agar Color not changed Color changed to yellow
Station 7 Liquid stateCoagulated state
Station 8 Not all the members of the same species share all properties together. For example, not all staphylococcus aureus are sensitive to the same antibiotics. (some of them are resistant to penicillin and others are not). Bacteria Control When the distance between the control and the antibiotic is shorter than or equal to the distance between the antibiotic and the bacteria. A =< B The bacteria is called sensitive “to that anti-biotic” When the distance between the control and the antibiotic is longer than the distance between the antibiotic and the bacteria. A > B The bacteria is called resistant “to that anti-biotic” Sensitive Sensitive Resistant Sensitive Some “tribes” of Staphylococcus areus are sensitive to Penicillin (also Cloxacilin, Methicillin…) while others are not. Staph.aureus Infections:- 1- Pyogenic infections and abscesses 2- Osteomylitis 3- Food poisoning “milk products” vomiting 4- Toxic shock syndrome in young women 5- SSSS “Staphylococcus Scalded Skin Syndrome” Treatment:- Drug of choice “Cloxacilin” if MRSA, (beta-lactamase producers) then we use “Vancomycin” Staph.epidermidis & Staph.saprophyticus Infections:- Epidermidis endocarditis with patients with catheters, cannulae & other artificial objects. Saprophytics Urinary tract infections in young female Treatment:- “Vancomycin”
Station 9 Gram stain Color on Blood agar Mannitol fermentation test DNAse test Coagulase test Catalase +ve+ve YellowishWhitish +ve “yellow” -ve “red” +ve-ve +ve-ve +ve+ve
Station 10
Station 11
Station 12
Station 13
Capsule (transparent) Organism (red) Station 14
Streptococcus can be divided upon their hemolytic activity into 3 groups: 1)α Hemolytic (e.g. Streptococcus pneumoniae) 2)β Hemolytic (e.g. Streptococcus pyogenes) “These are also grouped by the LACEFIELD grouping {from A-H, K-W} as you will see later” 3)γ or non Hemolytic (e.g. Streptococcus mutans) Station 15
Station 16
Station 17
No colonies around the OPTOCHIN There are colonies around the OPTOCHIN Station 18
There will be some colonies around the BACITRACIN strip. Station 19 Upon the Lancefield grouping
Station 20
Station 21
Station 22 Alpha hemolytic streptococci (pnemococcus) Infection:- acute pnemonia sinusitis otitis media meningitis Treatment:- “Penecillin” Vaccination: By the Polysaccharide capsule Beta hemolytic streptococci gr.A (pyogens) Infection:- pharyngitis (sore throat) tonsilitis Treatment:- “Penecillin” Some notes: All Staph. :- Vancomycin But in non MRSA:- Cloxacilin is betterAll Staph. :- Vancomycin But in non MRSA:- Cloxacilin is better All Strept :- PenecilinAll Strept :- Penecilin
Gram stain Color on Blood agar Color on Chocolate Hemolytic activity Lancefiel Grouping Optochin test Bacitracin test Catalase +ve +ve +ve Green Clear No Chg. Green No Chg. No Chg. Alpha Beta Non +ve -ve -ve -ve +ve -ve -ve -ve -ve Station 23 NO Gp.A NO
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