Bell Work!!! Describe the characteristics of a good relationship.
Characteristics of Healthy Relationships
Today we are going to discuss the characteristics of different relationships.
With whom do you have relationships?
Turn to “Important Traits” on page 15 Turn to “Important Traits” on page 15. What are some traits or characteristics that are important to you in your friends, family members, or people you are interested in romantically?
Examples Looks Sense of humor Personality Bravery Honesty Intelligence Athletic ability Shared beliefs/values Caring and kindness Generosity Good listener Likes to have fun Shared interests Reliability
What are the similarities and differences in the traits or characteristics you chose for family, friends, and romantic relationships?
What are some qualities that make relationships healthy—good for both people?
Respect, care and thoughtfulness, trust and honesty, good communication, commitment, expressing enjoyment, and being able to be yourself are all qualities that make relationships healthy.
Relationships based on mutual respect, understanding, care and concern are more fulfilling and long lasting. Commitment, connectedness and communication are important traits for all types of healthy relationships—especially romantic ones.
Preparing for a Roleplay Don’t use your own name or your friends’ names so your audience understands this is a roleplay. Practice what you are going to do before performing in front of the class. Identify the characters and set the scene for your audience. Face the class when you are talking so the audience can hear you.
Find a partner and create a short roleplay that demonstrates a quality of a healthy relationship.
What are some qualities that can make relationships difficult or troubling?
Jealousy, selfishness, saying or doing mean things, dishonesty or dependency can all make relationships difficult.
Turn to “What I Think About Relationships” on page 16 Turn to “What I Think About Relationships” on page 16. Follow the directions to complete the activity sheet.
Every relationship can have great qualities as well as things that need some attention or even some hard work. Paying attention to these qualities in all your relationships can make you a better friend and partner, and will help you get your needs met, too.