1 Association of Defense Communities Conference June 22, 2014 Ms. Laura Duchnak Director, BRAC Program Management Office Naval Facilities Engineering Command
BRAC Program Overview 17 Installations Remaining to be Disposed 17 Installations Remaining to be Disposed NSA New Orleans, last 2 Reserve Centers and last parcel at NAS Cecil Field disposed last year, as well as big transfer at NAS Alameda to Veterans Affairs NSA New Orleans, last 2 Reserve Centers and last parcel at NAS Cecil Field disposed last year, as well as big transfer at NAS Alameda to Veterans Affairs Conveyed first phase of EDC property at NS Treasure Island last month Conveyed first phase of EDC property at NS Treasure Island last month 42 Installations with Environmental Remediation Efforts 42 Installations with Environmental Remediation Efforts BRAC Program for FY15 is $209M BRAC Program for FY15 is $209M Environmental Cost to Complete is $1.1B (FY16+) Environmental Cost to Complete is $1.1B (FY16+) 2
3 Remaining DON BRAC Program Remaining Disposal Bases Disposed Bases – Environmental Work Only Alaska Hawaii Guam Puerto Rico
4 DON BRAC Disposal Status (as of 31 May 2015) Total Acres in BRAC Program for Disposal: 189,857 Conveyance Mechanisms Used Reason Property not Disposed
DON BRAC Program Key Accomplishments CNO Award for Installation Environmental Restoration at Alameda, EPA Award for Perfluorinated Compounds work at Warminster Addressing Emergent Contaminants- Perfluorinated Compounds(PFCs) in Drinking Water at Warminster and Willow Grove Published National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Record of Decision (ROD) for Willow Grove Phase 1 Transfer of Treasure Island Economic Development Conveyance (EDC) 5
DON BRAC Program Key Focus Areas in FY15 Complete transfer actions at Long Beach, South Weymouth, Brunswick, Hunters Point and Roosevelt Roads Advance NEPA at Concord and Newport Engage in EDC Negotiations at Willow Grove and Concord Continued Implementation of PFC actions Monitor Radiological Testing/Requirements Key Concerns Continually Increasing Constraints on the Program BRAC Property Leasing and Licensing 6
7 Contact Information NEW ADDRESS for BRAC PMO and BRAC PMO West as of July 13, 2015 (no change for other PMO offices) Department of the Navy BRAC Program Management Office/ BRAC Program Management Office West Nixie Way San Diego,CA,92147 Webpage: bracpmo.navy.mil