Being a volunteer Homework Tutor Huntington Beach Library
Central Homework Club meets Mondays and Wednesday 3:30 5:00 p.m. In the Maddy Room downstairs. Oak View Homework Club meets Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Wednesdays 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Homework Club is held during the school year only and is not held during the winter or spring breaks.
What is a tutor?. Someone who guides and motivates a child to do his homework but does NOT do it for him.. Someone who asks the child questions to find out how best to help him.. Someone who helps keep the student on task.. Someone who is patient and understanding.. Someone who is punctual and dependable.
Tutors will follow the directions of the Onsite Homework Coordinator. Tutors are asked to volunteer at least once a week. Children like seeing the same tutors and having consistency. Tutors need to sign in and out downstairs in the Maddy Room each time they come in to tutor in the attendance notebook. Tutors should sign up in the Homework Schedule notebook for the dates they would like to come in. Tutors can sign up for both Monday and Wednesday, if they desire. Please wear the volunteer badge and nametag while volunteering. These items are kept with the Tutor and Attendance notebooks..
Where is the Central Library Homework Club? Downstairs in the Maddy Room which is right by the Coffee Cart.
Before Tutoring Starts Before one can start tutoring, one must fill out a library volunteer application, either online or at a workshop. Those 18 years old and older will need to be fingerprinted and cleared before they can start. Even if you have had your fingerprints taken before, they will need to be taken again. Pick up a fingerprinting packet through Monica Miltko in the Library Administration office. It has instructions on what to do. Look through the Tutor Scheduling notebook and write down what days you would like to come in and tutor. Next to your name, write down what subjects you specialize in if you would like. Please be flexible as you may get students with homework outside your specialization.
How to sign in 1. Arrive at the Maddy Room a little before 3:30 if possible. Fill in the date and your name in the Tutor Attendance Notebook. 2. Fill out a nametag and put on a Volunteer lanyard. 3. Sit at a table if students have not yet arrived, or sit at a table which has students and no tutors. 4. If there are lots of tutors, you may be able to do one-on-one tutoring. Otherwise, you may need to help a table full of students. You may even need to go from table to table to make sure students get the help they need.
What homework supplies are available? Inside the Maddy Room is a cabinet filled with the Homework Club supplies and notebooks. There is also a pencil sharpener, paper, pencils, rulers and crayons. Students may use these, but they are expected to bring their own supplies and homework with them to Homework Club. There is a cart of donated encyclopedias, dictionaries and atlas the children can use as well. Should children finish their homework early, they can quietly read books from this cart. They cannot however, be noisy, run around the room or disturb other students.
Dos and Don’ts of being a Homework Tutor Do not bring food especially fast food into the room. Introduce yourself to the student/students who have been assigned to you. Encourage students to do their work. If they are finished and are waiting to their parents, you can ask if they would like to have a spelling or math quiz. Ask if they would like you to read a book with them. If students do not have any homework they cannot stay unless they have a book to read. Behave accordingly. You are a role model. Watch your language. Do not talk and visit when students need help. Please do not use your cell phone while tutoring. Do not play games on your laptop while students are studying. You may work on your own homework but not while tutoring students. Students come first. Do not ignore your student/students. All students and tutors have to leave the Maddy Room by 5:00 p.m.
Tutor Troubleshooting The onsite coordinator and the Children’s Senior Librarian are here to help you. Contact them if *Any problems or concerns arise while tutoring. *You cannot attend a day you are scheduled. *You have questions. *You have ideas or suggestions for improving the program.
Your volunteer hours can be printed out on request. Ask at the Children’s Desk. If you go six months without volunteering, your data and hours may be archived. Volunteer Tutors will be asked to sign Tutor Contracts.
Contact Names Barbara Richardson Senior Librarian, Programming and Youth Services Jackie Reyes Oak View Library Homework Coordinator Mary Ann Aliano Central Library Homework Coordinator
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