Tutoring Students with Dyslexia Techniques for Tutorial Use A Presentation for Use by The Association of Tutoring Professionals On-line Workshop 2008 Presenter: Debra A. Boyle, M.Ed.; Redmond, Washington
Does your student have dyslexia? ► Diagnosis from Psychologist/Professional ► Suspected Symptoms ●trouble reading (slow, confused words, “was” vs. “saw”, etc.) ●spelling & handwriting poor ●letter & number reversals (backward “s”; “b” vs. “d”; “12” vs. “21”; etc.) ●reading comprehension poor ► Student Informs Tutor ► Parent/Teacher Informs Tutor ► Tutor Allowed Access to File with Diagnosis
How is a dyslexic student different than any other? ► Actual sight images different (requires understanding) ► Reads similar or additional words (requires constant listening skills/attention to detail) ► Writes similar, reversed, or mirrored words (requires patience) ► Bright, but likely to have low self-esteem (requires constant positive encouragement) ► CNS dysfunction (requires life-coping skills, not just teaching)
How do I tutor reading with my dyslexic student? ► Teach phonics-oriented, & left-to-right decoding approach ► Use tracking aid per line (fingers, card, pencil, bookmark) ► Use rectangular “hole” through black 3 x 5” card ► Record student while reading, then play back to “see” errors ► Practice reading nonsensical lines of words ► Match, “hunt” for, or correct sentences within lines similar but with errors ► Use comprehension questions (both oral and written)
How do I tutor writing with my dyslexic student? ► Sit on opposite side of student’s writing hand ► Use light-table for tracing letters, numbers ► Use “guidelines” on paper for handwriting consistency, spacing ► Teach features of keyboard for spelling, grammar, etc. help ► Emphasize proper sentence, paragraph structure (noun, verb, etc.) ► Teach proofreading skills via PC “checks”, oral reading, second person ► Practice proofreading to “find errors” in common types of papers
How do I tutor math with my dyslexic student? ► Sit on opposite side of student’s writing hand ► Practice printing numbers easily reversed ► Use “steps” for solving to use as reference ► Maintain columns, decimals, and commas where they should be ► Sketch “word problems” etc. for visual understanding ► Practice similar problems in prep for tests (create “practice tests”) ► Practice finding “errors” in problems worked and solved
How do I tutor other subjects with my dyslexic student? ► Make use of texts and read carefully ► Break-up longer assignments ► Use extra time from “accommodations” via IEP/504 ► Create “practice tests” ► Check grade reports often for status updates ► Build proofreading skills
How do I tutor an ESL and dyslexic student? ► Restate using varying words/phrases ► Animate, illustrate, personify concepts ► Allow student to compare primary language with English (sounds, meanings, strokes, etc.) ► “Move-on” rather than “master” ► Make use of ESL teachers ► Make use of “peer tutors” with same language
Concluding Statements ► Resist the tendency to blame the disability for progress difficulties ► You are a part of the education process of bright, creative students ► Your best techniques are being: positive and patient ► Small accomplishments add to great progress