Non-Renewable - COAL Pros: Abundant supply Inexpensive High power yield Infrastructure already exists Can be changed to liquid or gas Cons: Nonrenewable. Will run out. Large contributor to global warming Severe environmental, social and health concerns Damage to land around mines Contributor to acid rain. Emits mercury into the atmosphere Linked to asthma and lung cancer
Non Renewable – NATURAL GAS Pros: Widely used, 21% of world’s energy production Infrastructure already exists Used for power generation and heat Cleanest of all fossil fuels (45% less CO2 than coal and 30% less than oil) Abundant supply Can be used in cars (is cleaner that gasoline and diesel) Can be used to make plastics, chemicals, fertilizers and hydrogen Employs 1.2 million people
Natural Gas cont.. Cons: Non – renawable fuel Conains 80-95% methane which is a potent greenhouse gas Explosive and potentially dangerous Long distance transmission and transportation (requires pipelines) Environmental concerns with extraction (fracking) are: water pollution, arsenic leaks, earthquakes, large amounts of water use
Non-Renewable - Oil Pros: Moves vehicles with the greatest speed at long distances Creates jobs for our economy. Multi uses: cars, coverts into electricity, plastics, wax, sulfur, asphalt. Cons: Non-renewable. Releases CO2 and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere when burned. Oil leaks occur which result in environmental disasters by killing wildlife and disturbing biodiversity
What are Canada’s Oil Sands? 1. Watch the video “The Tipping Point” on the Nature of things and read the pamphlets provided by Natural Resources Canada. 2. Complete the opinion paragraph assignment provided to you by your teacher.
Non Renewable - NUCLEAR Pros Unlike fossil fuels, nuclear power plants don’t produce smoke (no greenhouse gases). Inexpensive as a method of producing electricity. Cons: Nuclear power uses uranium, which must be mined causing habitat destruction. It produces radioactive waste which isn’t biodegradable and is extremely dangerous. This waste is stored in steel-lined containers and will remain radioactive for thousands of years. Sometimes it is buried underground. Cost are high for building and maintaining nuclear power plants.