Office of Governmentwide Policy U.S. General Services Administration Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) policy changes & updates Rick Miller Program Analyst Travel and Transportation Management Policy (MTT) Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset Management
2 Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) FTR Amendments FTR Bulletins FTR Proposed updates
3 FTR - Amendments TDY POV mileage rate Fly America / “Open Skies” Furnished meals at conferences and other events Per Diem M&IE for TDY of more than 12 but less than 24 hours Travel Purpose Identifiers
4 FTR - Amendments TDY POV mileage rate Effective 1 January 2009 Not to exceed rates established by IRS Privately owned vehicle - $0.55 Motorcycles - $0.52 Airplanes - $1.24
5 FTR - Amendments Fly America / “Open Skies” Effective 15 January Applies to specific countries Allows the use of foreign flag carrier if no city-pair contract is available from “origin to destination” Grantees and Contractors must use U.S. Flag carrier if available Non-applicable for DOD funded travel Travel to non “Open Skies” countries must continue to follow the policy (exceptions) for traveling on foreign flag carrier
6 FTR - Amendments Furnished meals at conferences and other events Reduce M&IE for government provided meals Definition for “Furnished meal” Specific requirements for agency/employee to claim full M&IE due to medical or religious beliefs Update FTR M&IE chart for “Continental Breakfast/Breakfast”
7 FTR - Amendments Per Diem M&IE for TDY of more than 12 but less than 24 hours Update FTR M&IE chart Per diem allowed at 75% of the applicable M&IE rate for each calendar day while in a travel status
8 FTR - Amendments Travel Purpose Identifiers Updates the list of travel purpose identifiers Employee Emergency, Mission (Operational), Special Agency Mission, Conference – Other Than Training, Training, and Relocation Incorporates new descriptive language for each identifier
9 FTR - Bulletins FY09 CONUS per diem rates Baggage & seat choice reimbursement Relocation standard mileage rate Relocation Income Tax (RIT) Allowance Revised CONUS per diem rates Expense waivers for flooding in ND
10 FTR - Bulletins FY09 CONUS per diem rates Effective 1 October 2008 Annual review of per diem rates 400 Non-Standard areas Conus Rate - $70 for lodging / $39 for meals and incidentals
11 FTR - Bulletins Baggage & seat choice reimbursement Bulletin clarifies baggage expenses, seat choice options, and other miscellaneous fees Agencies (Government interest) may approve for excess baggage Agencies (Government interest) may authorize reimbursement for additional seat choice fee - seating could still be in the coach cabin Special needs policy still in effect: authorized upgraded seat choice, then attendant accompanying employee may also be authorized the upgrade
12 FTR - Bulletins Relocation standard mileage rate Effective 1 January 2009 Current rate - $0.24 per mile per POV Not to exceed IRS standard mileage rate No reimbursement for family/passengers
13 FTR - Bulletins Relocation Income Tax (RIT) Allowance Provides the 2008 Federal, State, Puerto Rico tax tables needed for calculating RIT RIT tables are no longer published in the Federal Register – available on the GSA web site
14 FTR - Bulletins Revised CONUS per diem rates Effective 1 April 2009 Mid-year review determined 1 October 2009 per diem rates for certain locations did not adequately reflect the cost of lodging and/or M&IE Locations – Idaho, Maryland, South Carolina
15 FTR - Bulletins Expense waivers for flooding in ND Presidential Emergency Declaration affecting certain counties in the state of North Dakota due to severe storms and flooding Effective 24 March 2008 Informs agencies that certain provisions of the FTR governing the authorization of actual subsistence expenses for official travel (both TDY and relocation) are temporarily waived
16 FTR - Proposed Updates Premium Class / Other than Coach Class Local Travel at the TDY location TDY travel from/to a telework site Relocation Tables
17 THANK YOU It has been my pleasure speaking to you today! Rick Miller, OGP, MTT (202) (voice) (202) (fax) –