INTRODUCTION An electric vehicle is a vehicle which uses one or more electric engines for propulsion and it gives the energy to the vehicle. There are a lot of types like the car, the train, airplane… and they are classified depending on the electric sources.
HISTORY OF THE ELECTRIC CAR The electric vehicle was created by a Scottish businessman between 1832 and 1839 but with the technological limitations, it couldn’t get enough speed, only about 32km/h, so they were bought just by the rich people.
THE FALL OF THE ELECTRIC CAR Years later with the production in chain of cars designed by Ford and the new method of take-off contributed with the fall of the electric car which the next years would be used in industrial applications. Moreover the improvements arrived before in the normal cars.
NOWADAYS Nowadays the electric car has become more popular with the global warming and the climate change and it’s only question of time that we use them in the future.
ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES ADVANTAGESDISADVANTAGES It consumes 90% less than a normal car.It produces equally pollution It’s less pollutant than a normal car.High weight of the batteries The governments grant subsidies to the companies
FUTURE The international Agency of Energy predicts that in 2050 a third part will be electric parts, another third part will be hybrid cars and the other will be cars which use batteries of hydrogen.
PERSONAL OPINION In conclusion, I think that the use of electric cars is a good way to finish the global warming. Despite it’s not as developed as the normal car, in some years it will be better, at the same level as the rest of cars.