I NDIAN G AMING IN THE US A Broad Introduction (Preface to the Triptych Case Studies) By Shalin Hai-Jew 1 Indian Gaming in the US
C ONTEXT Hundreds of years of misdirected federal policies towards Native Americans Low socioeconomic status (SES), high poverty rates, and low health and other indicators of well being for Native Americans 2 Indian Gaming in the US
T RIBAL S OVEREIGNTY the “central legitimating issue” for Indian gaming (Elinson, Jan. 19, 2007, n.p.) “a matter not only of sensitivity and legal nuance” but also “the crux of dispute” related to Indian gaming (Elinson, Jan. 19, 2007, n.p.) also labeled “dual sovereignty” (Fenelon, Nov. 2006, p. 382) 3 Indian Gaming in the US
P USH FOR N ATIVE A MERICAN S ELF S UFFICIENCY Native American Government: Reservation infrastructure building Economic partnerships, entrepreneurial endeavors and fund-raising Revitalizing tribal governance Reconnecting with traditional cultures and languages Jobs creation Image recreation US Government: Fewer transfer payments, more tax revenues 4 Indian Gaming in the US
“I NDIAN G AMING ” “gaming conducted by an ‘Indian tribe’ on ‘Indian lands’” (Light and Rand, 2005, p. 3) 5 Indian Gaming in the US
I NDIAN G AMING R EGULATORY A CT (1988) Tribes… must establish their own gaming regulatory systems; must solely own Indian casinos; must use net revenues for restricted purposes… 6 Indian Gaming in the US
R ESTRICTED E XPENDITURES FROM T RIBAL G AMING (i) to fund tribal government operations or programs; (ii) to provide for the general welfare of the Indian tribe and its members; (iii) to promote tribal economic development; (iv) to donate to charitable organizations; (v) or to help fund operations of local government agencies. 7 Indian Gaming in the US
D ETRACTORS Some corporate casinos Some religious groups Some political groups Some Native tribes and “traditionalists” 8 Indian Gaming in the US
E CONOMIC C HALLENGES No new wealth creation Less taxation for state coffers Self-contained benefits to Indian casinos with little to no “spillover” benefits Undue infrastructure and public services burden on the local community 9 Indian Gaming in the US
E CONOMIC C HALLENGES ( CONT.) High “opportunity costs” for the tribe Unfair support for a particular segment of society A recycling of tribal moneys only A rise in crime 10 Indian Gaming in the US
T RIBAL R ELATIONSHIPS / N ATIVE A MERICAN C ULTURES C HALLENGES Inter-tribal strife and competition Misuse of sacred lands Gaming is counter-cultural Unintended social changes towards more individualism, more focus on materialism, and more cultural decay Conflict with Native American lifestyles 11 Indian Gaming in the US
E THICAL AND / OR M ORAL E FFECTS C HALLENGES Promotion of problem gambling Buying political power Image changing for Native Americans A compromising of Indian nationhood and sovereignty Mainstream economic assimilation 12 Indian Gaming in the US
T IMELINE FOR N ATIVE G AMING 13 Indian Gaming in the US
S TATISTICS T ODAY 567 federally recognized Indian tribes in the US 4.1 million Americans with American Indian ancestry (1.5% of the nation’s population) 65% of Indian tribes in lower 48 use Indian gaming for government revenue 14 Indian Gaming in the US
S TATISTICS T ODAY ( CONT.) $22.6 billion generated by Indian gaming in Indian Gaming in the US
T HREE C ASE S TUDY A PPROACHES THE ECONOMICS FRAME: “All in? Economic Factors to Consider in Native Gaming” THE SOCIAL – CULTURAL FRAME: “Smallpox or New Buffalo: What’s the Right Analogy for Native Gaming?” THE POLITICAL FRAME: “Setting the Rules for Native Gaming” 16 Indian Gaming in the US
C ONCLUSION 18 Indian Gaming in the US