Located in Charleston, South Carolina. Davis did not want the fort to be resupplied and ordered its capture. The Confederacy fired upon the fort for two days until the Union surrendered the fort. This marked the beginning of the civil war. Fort Sumter
Hoping to end the war, General Lee invaded the North, in Pennsylvania. Lee tried to destroy the North and have them accept the division of the country. With fewer men and less supplies, Lee’s forces were halted and defeated. The Confederates final attempt, Picket’s Charge, failed. Lee was forced to retreat back to Virginia. The South’s mistake at Gettysburg was that they did not follow through after their first attack. Gettysburg
This was the first major battle of the Civil War. The North expected to win the war quickly because they had more people, and were more industrious to produce weapons and supplies. However, the South surprised the North and won the battle indicating that the war would not be so short after all. Bull Run
The battle of Antietam was the single bloodiest day of the Civil War. The Union victory gave Lincoln the support he needed to issue the Emancipation Proclamation. Antietam
This victory gave the Union control of the Mississippi River. Vicksburg
General Sherman laid siege to the city of Atlanta with the intent of breaking the Confederacy. In six weeks of fighting, Sherman had the city surrounded. The Confederate army was able to escape before Atlanta was captured. The defeat of Atlanta convinced the North that the end of the war was near and helped Lincoln gain his reelection. The Atlanta Campaign had a specific purpose that would destroy the south’s resources. Atlanta was the train hub of the south. The original name was Terminus, because the railroad linked Savannah to the Midwest. Atlanta Campaign
After taking Atlanta, General Sherman marched across Georgia to the sea. General Sherman was determined to destroy the South’s ability to wage war and feed her armies. Along the way General Sherman captured food, freed slaves, and burned many farms. At the end, Sherman captured Savannah and presented the city as a gift to Lincoln. Sherman’s March to the Sea
General Lee’s attempt to link up with other Southern armies was halted by the Union. Lee realized that his army had no hope for victory and surrendered to Grant. Grant accepted Lee’s surrender. Appomattox Court House