The road to WFER IV, OCTOBER 2009 IERN : International Energy Regulation Network Greek Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE)
2 The past and the future of WFER Three successful past World forums for Energy Regulation WFER I MAY 2000, MONTREAL, CANADA CAMPUT / NARUC/ REGIE DE L’ENERGIE du QUEBEC CAMPUT / NARUC/ REGIE DE L’ENERGIE du QUEBEC WFER II 5-8 OCT 2003, ROME ITALY, AEEG / Patrons CEER, EC WFER III 8-11 OCT 2006, WASHINGTON D.C., USA, NARUC WFER IV : 18-21OCT 2009, ATHENS, GREECE, RAE, in coordination with CEER
3 WFER IV, 18-21st OCTOBER 2009 ATHENAEUM INTERCONTINENTAL, ATHENS 11 Oct 2006, WFER III establishes the WFER IV Steering Committee (AFUR,ARIAE,CEER,EAPIRF,ERRA, NARUC,OOCUR,SAFIR and the WFER Host) Dec 2006, Steering Committee Invites RAE to host WFER IV Jan 2007, RAE confirms acceptance to host WFER IV Mar 2007, WFER IV Announcement by the Chairmen of RAE and NARUC, blast mail to 5000 addressees. The Announcement specified Athens, Greece and Oct 2009 20 June 2007, 1st Steering Committee Meeting, Athens Oct 2009 : WFER IV dates, RAE tender for WFER IV site, RAE Contract with Athenaeum Intercontinental Two website titles reserved : and www. www. www.
4 WFER IV STEERING COMMITTEE : Members / Designated WF representatives AFUR (African Forum for Utility Regulators ) : Chairman Smunda Mokoena (CEO, NERSA, South Africa) ARIAE (Ibero-American Association of Energy Regulators) : Chair Maria-Teresa Costa (President, CNE, Spain) CAMPUT (Canadian Association of Members of Public Utility Tribunals) : Chairman Caetan Caron CEER (Council of European Energy Regulators ) : Sir John Mogg, President (Chairman, Ofgem, UK) EAPIRF (East Asia and Pacific Infrastructure Regulatory Forum ) : Chairman Thomas Abe (Commissioner & CEO, Independent Consumer & Competition Commission, Papua New Guinea) ERRA (Energy Regulators Regional Association for Central/Eastern Europe & Eurasia ) : Chairman Angel Semerdjiev (Commissioner, SEWRC, Bulgaria) NARUC (National Association of Regulatory Utility) Commissioners (US) : Commissioner Frederick Butler (New Jersey Board of Public Utilities) – President James Kerr (Commissioner, North Carolina Utilities Commission) Immediate Past NARUC President Diane Munns (Commissioner, Iowa Utilities Board) Immediate Past NARUC President Diane Munns (Commissioner, Iowa Utilities Board) OOCUR (Organization of Caribbean Utility Regulators ) : Mr. J. Paul Morgan (Chairman & Director General, OUR, Jamaica) SAFIR (South Asia Forum for Infrastructure Regulation ) : Chairman Prof. Priyantha Wijayatunga (Director General, PUC, Sri Lanka) ΑΕΕG ( Autorità per l'Energia Elettrica e il Gas) : Mr. Alessandro Ortis (President)
5 Key WFER IV Objectives Ensure and strengthen the character of the Forum as the sole and most important global event for energy regulation, The Forum must address in a balanced way energy and regulatory issues facing developing, transitioning and developed countries Build upon the key findings of the previous Fora, Identify and address the new developments and challenges that energy regulation faces in evolving global, regional and national energy markets. Static regulatory policy applied to dynamic markets leads to failures REGULATORS MUST BE AGENTS OF POSITIVE CHANGE
6 WFER IV KEY ISSUES Two key, interlinked, global scale energy challenges: Two key, interlinked, global scale energy challenges: - Security and Reliability of Supply and Climate Change - Security and Reliability of Supply and Climate Change The Regulatory Challenge : Develop and implement effective regulation to address them through open, competitive, efficient energy markets at affordable prices The Regulatory Challenge : Develop and implement effective regulation to address them through open, competitive, efficient energy markets at affordable prices - Energy Infrastructure Investment: Required to (i) meet increasing energy demand, (ii) replace ageing-inefficient- polluting capacity, (iii) diversify energy supply, (iv) access consumers. We must appreciate need to Develop appropriate climate and regulatory certainty to attract investments We must appreciate need to Develop appropriate climate and regulatory certainty to attract investments
7 WFER IV KEY ISSUES (contd.) - Energy supply affordability, an important multi faceted issue regionally and globally differentiated, Develop and implement regulatory guidelines for the protection of vulnerable customers Develop and implement regulatory guidelines for the protection of vulnerable customers - Improve the efficiency of electricity markets, including active load participation in market operations - Institutional issues : achieve efficient, transparent and competitive markets, ensure independent Regulators, with appropriate powers and adequate resources - Regulators Training, academic and on the job training
8 WFER IV Organizational plan Sunday 18th Oct : Registration 19 th to 21 st : Forum Occurs Plenary sessions and 3 parallel sessions Simultaneous translation in 4 languages for plenaries and parallel sessions (English, French, Spanish, Greek)
9 Immediate Next steps Mid March 2008 Steering Committee Members to nominate members for the International Program Committee (letter solicitation sent) (total envisaged) 1 st Advisory Committee meeting planned for April- May 2008 Mid March RAE forwards to SC Members for approval draft WFER IV Concept paper based on 1 st SC Meeting deliberations (Input for IPC)
10 THE INTERNATIONAL ENERGY REGULATION NETWORK (i) The Concept behind IERN : Regulatory Co-operation THE INTERNATIONAL ENERGY REGULATION NETWORK (i) The Concept behind IERN : Regulatory Co-operation - Liberalisation, privatisation and regulation of the energy sector is developing worldwide -In most countries the concept of independent market regulation has been introduced and institutions have been set up to govern the process: Regulatory authorities independent from stakeholders and governments -Despite the differences in the economic and political contexts, energy regulation is based on common institutional and technical features that can be shared - The birth of the idea of a web-based regulatory platform is traced back to Earlier World Energy Regulatory Fora, where it was emphasized that regulators should benefit from dialogue, discussion and exchange of information.
11 THE INTERNATIONAL ENERGY REGULATION NETWORK (iii) IERN : The Network that bonds Goals of IERN are to provide accurate information on global energy regulation and facilitate policy transfer and information exchange among energy stakeholders ; Through IERN, regulators and other energy market stakeholders will be able to share among them information regarding institutional, technical and market issues, as well as regulatory practices. IERN is also a place where regulators can share information about training courses, conferences and online resources on energy regulation. IERN will also produce in the near future working papers, reports and studies on best practices.
12 IERN ( ( ) - Structure The IERN web platform consists of five sections: The IERN web platform consists of five sections: 1. Basic information on the main regional associations of regulators 2. Detailed information on the regulatory structure of each country, normally provided directly by the national regulator. 3. Basic energy data and summary market description for each country 4. Training courses, conferences and publications/journals with a selection of world references 5. Information on past and upcoming editions of the World Forum on Energy Regulation.
13 Membership and Support Founding Members CEER ARIAE NARUC AFUR Supporting AssociationsSupporting AssociationsERRACAMPUTSAFIR SponsorSponsorEUROGAS 13
14 IERN and CEER IERN and CEER CEER, as a co-promoter of IERN, supported the initiative on 2003 and helped to launch the first pilot initiative on 2003 and helped to launch the first pilot project in project in The pilot project contents were developed, through the collaboration of ERRA, ARIAE and CEER the collaboration of ERRA, ARIAE and CEER members, under the supervision of the Florence members, under the supervision of the Florence School of Regulation, the research and training center School of Regulation, the research and training center supported by CEER and the European Commission. supported by CEER and the European Commission.
15 Support by Regional Associations of Energy Regulators CEER from Europe, ARIAE from Latin America, NARUC and North America are the Regional Associations who contribute to the IERN project also financially, as Founding members ERRA from the Central and East European States and CAMPUT from Canada also contribute substantially SAFIR and EAPIRF from the Asian continent have expressed interest in contributing with information The African Forum for Utility Regulation (AFUR) to emphasize their support made a financial contribution. Each of the Founding Regulator Associations pledged to provide financial support of Euro 10,000. NARUC last year contributed Euro 5,000.
16 IERN TODAY References to 303 regulators worldwide in ca. 170 countries (includes federal states) and a link to their website in most cases Fact sheets for 85 regulators (all CEER, ARIAE and ERRA members) Facts sheets on 74 countries with general country statistics and market information regarding the electricity and gas sector Information on 12 national associations worldwide An up-to-date section on world wide training, conferences and publications A section with information on all past World Forums on Energy Regulation
18 The significance and the future of IERN IERN website : A unique virtual meeting place of global dimension for energy regulators and other stakeholders, facilitating the convergence of experience of various regulatory authorities. Benefits for new Regulators : IERN is planning to set up a member's area with direct access for all regulators.
19 IERN ACCESS STATISTICS Number of visitors per month 19
20 IERN web and contact addresses IERN web and contact addresses
21 Thank you for your attention! RAE 69 Panepistimiou & Eolou Athens, Greece Tel: Fax: Michael Caramanis Chairman Tel: