Tomoki Watanabe IFREE/DONET-MARITEC/JAMSTEC Marine Works Japan Co. 2017/4/19 Network Presentation Tomoki Watanabe IFREE/DONET-MARITEC/JAMSTEC Marine Works Japan Co. My first work with OBS, taken in 1990 (Reykjanes Ridge experiment) IRIS workshop 2007
JAMSTEC Network Presentation 2017/4/19 JAMSTEC Network Presentation Tsuboi-san already presented. We have …. Broadband seismic network (Pacific 21) Cabled Observatories Muroto Hatsushima Kushiro-Tokachi IRIS workshop 2007
Pacific 21 Network and DMC network design 2017/4/19 Pacific 21 Network and DMC network design STS-2: HBR, MCSJ STS-1: KMS, TSK, INU, TJN, OGS, BAG, PALU, JAY, PSI, PMG CMG-3T: KSI IRIS workshop 2007
Seiscomp Test…. Network geometry 2017/4/19 Seiscomp Test…. STS-1 +Q330HR Q330HR Network geometry Snapshot of the SeisComp monitor (seisgram) Waveform of the 2007 Sumatra earthquake (Mw 8.2, sensor:STS-1) IRIS workshop 2007
JAMSTEC Network Presentation 2017/4/19 JAMSTEC Network Presentation Tsuboi-san already presented. We have …. Broadband seismic network (Pacific 21) Cabled Observatories Muroto Hatsushima Kushiro-Tokachi IRIS workshop 2007
JAMSTEC Cabled Observatories 2017/4/19 JAMSTEC Cabled Observatories Kushiro Observatory Hatsushima Observatory Muroto Observatory IRIS workshop 2007
DONET --ocean bottom network coming near future-- 2017/4/19 Development of Dense Oceanfloor Network System for Earthquakes and Tsunamis (DONET) Sensor spacing: ~20km DONET --ocean bottom network coming near future-- IRIS workshop 2007
Network plan for DONET 5 nodes & 20 station Realtime monitoring 2017/4/19 Network plan for DONET 5 nodes & 20 station Realtime monitoring IRIS workshop 2007
Topics on Kushiro observation 2017/4/19 Topics on Kushiro observation IRIS workshop 2007
Kushiro Cabled Observatory 2017/4/19 Kushiro Cabled Observatory Observation: 1999. July - - Cable Length: c.a. 240km 3 Seismometers (accelerometer) Japan Aviation Electronics Industory(JAE) JAE5-III - 2 Tsunami gauges 1 cable-end station (ADCP, CTD, camera,Hydrophone, sub-sea thermometer) IRIS workshop 2007
Stations and structure used in hypocenter determination 2017/4/19 Stations and structure used in hypocenter determination Velocity Structure Network geometry of Seismological Data exchange in Japan (connected by IP-VPN or Frame Relay) Station Distribution Data exchange in Japan (with other institutes): -2006.12.19 via Satellite & IP-VPN 2006.12.19 – IPv6 multicast & IP-VPN Cumulative number of processed earthquakes IRIS workshop 2007
Kushiro Observatory - Earthquake Detectability - 2017/4/19 Kushiro Observatory - Earthquake Detectability - Comparison of magnitudes With JMA magnitude Comparison of Detectabillity before/after OBS installation Period: 2001. June-2002 Dec. After installation, minimum magnitude detectable Was improved to ~ M2. M(JMA)=0.663M(ISV)+1.132 IRIS workshop 2007
Topics on Kushiro observatory 2017/4/19 Topics on Kushiro observatory Seismicity – 2 gaps was recognized off SE Hokkaido…. IRIS workshop 2007
2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake(M8.0) 2017/4/19 Waveform of the Mainshock At the nearest seismometer (OBS) Aftershock distribution IRIS workshop 2007
Data – available via… Pacific 21:(ninja, full SEED) Ocean Bottom Cable Data Center: (win format) File format converter (win2db) : Or SeisComp Package (ver. 2.5, for online data)
And one more content on the seafloor when an earthquake occurs…