Presented by: Saleh Al-Shehri
Assess how medical personnel deal with these documents. Propose solutions to these encounters.
It’s the right of an individual to have personal, identifiable medical information kept private.
A breach of confidentiality as disclosure to a third party, without patient consent,of private information that the physician has learned within the patient-physician relationship.
Survey 1- How important is it to you that medical records are kept confidential; that is, no one can see it without your permission? ☐ Very important ☐ Somewhat important ☐ Not too important ☐ Not at all important 2- Are you aware that breach of patients' medical information without their consent can harm the patient financially, socially and psychologically? ☐ Yes ☐ No 3-Are you aware of any KAUH regulations with regards to patients information management? ☐ Yes ☐ No 4- If you had printed some of the patients' information E.g. Lab values, where would you dispose it? ☐ Any trash bin ☐ Specific trash bin ☐ Shred it in a shredder ☐ Doesn’t matter E.g. take it home, leave in bag 5- Do you think recycling is important? ☐ Yes ☐ No
1.All written documents containing health information MUST be placed in shredding bins where they will be properly disposed of. 2.All labels containing patient information (That cannot be processed by a shredder) to be placed in biohazard bags ; treated as medical waste. 3.Any films must be cut into pieces or chemically destroyed 4.When software data are planned for disposal, that should be done by permanently erasing the data ( less reliable), by removal and placing of the hard disk in a secure place or Physically destroying hard disk or media that contains it.
H OW WILL EXTRA - FILE MEDICAL RECORDS BE INDIVIDUALLY DISPOSED OF ? One shredder in every ward at each nurse station. One central shredder – with special bins in each ward.
499No 14 liters 1099No No Yes90
H OW WILL IT BE DISPOSED BY HOSPITAL : Dealt with as medical waste Burn it Shred it
E DUCATION I NTRODUCING EXTRA - FILE RECORD CONCEPT AND ITS DISPOSAL Posters, Pamphlets, and Stands A talk given for all hospital divisions Emphasizing this issue into medical student curriculum
E DUCATION M AINTAINING THE AWARENESS AND USE Reviewing the use of the trash bins annually, and improving the system The senior medical staff should be sure that students and other staff members are properly disposing extra-file medical records
1-Abdulrahman Mansuory 2-Anas Nooh 3-Alaa Khayat 4- Faris Baowidan 5-Hamza Abulfaraj 6-Mahmoud Almutadaris 7-Moayed Rayes 8-Mohammad Ayoub 9-Mohammad Ismail 10-Nooh Marzoug 11-Rushdi Algamdi 12-Rabea Khalifa 13-Saleh Al-Shehri