Respond to instructions given in English Unit Code: D1.LAN.CL10.02 Trainer welcomes trainees to class and informs them that they will be learning how to respond to instructions given in English.
Respond to instructions given in English This unit is comprised of four elements: Element 1: Respond positively to a set of verbal instructions Element 2: Respond to simple written instructions Element 3: Express doubt at being able to carry out instructions Element 4: Follow routine procedures. Trainer advises students that the unit comprises five elements, as listed on the slide explaining: Each element has a number of Performance Criteria which will be identified throughout the class and explained in detail Students can obtain more detail from their Trainee Manual The course presents advice and information but where the workplace requirements differ to what is presented, the workplace practices and standards must be observed, for example, the number of rings for the phone that an organisation may stipulate.
Assessment Assessment for this unit may include: Oral questions Written questions Work projects Practical exercises Role plays Formal report from employer/supervisor. Trainer advises students that assessment for this Unit may take several forms, all of which are aimed at verifying they have achieved competency for the Unit as required. Trainer outlines to students the methods of assessment that will be applied to them for this unit.
Element 1: Respond positively to a set of verbal instructions Performance Criteria for this Element are: 1.1 Acknowledge and respond positively to a set of instructions given in the workplace 1.2 Use appropriate body language to indicate understanding 1.3 Ask questions to confirm understanding. Trainer outlines for students the Performance Criteria for this Element, as listed on the slide.
Acknowledge and respond positively to a set of instructions given in the workplace A phrasal verb is a verb + a preposition or adverb. For example: take off, put on, pick up, turn on, lift quickly A preposition can include a description of: place or time. For example: on, at, in, in front of, behind, before, after. Trainer introduces the idea of instructions and explains that there are a lot of situations where instructions will be needed. Trainer brainstorms with students what sort of instructions they have encountered already: procedures, policies, how to answer the phone etc. Trainer explains prepositions and phrasal verbs. Trainer can use some examples by putting an object: on, under, in, next to other objects and ask students to say preposition. Trainer can read out a set of instructions using prepositions and students draw on the board. For example: There is a table. A ball is on the table. A cat is under the table. There is a box next to the table. There is a teddy bear in front of the box. Students read the text and identify the prepositions in bold. Students look at the verbs connected with the prepositions. Trainer asks students for other examples of phrasal verbs that students may know.
Acknowledge and respond positively to a set of instructions given in the workplace Activity: Listen to the instructions from your trainer Write down what you hear in the correct order In pairs, try to complete the task. Trainer explains that students will complete an activity. Trainer reads out the instructions below. Trainer demonstrates what ‘fold’ means. Trainer distributes one piece of paper to each student. Students try to complete the instructions. Fold tail fins up Fold the corners in the middle again Fold in half Take a sheet of paper and fold it in the middle Fold upper corners in the middle Fold both wings back. Trainer goes through the information from the Trainee Manual. Students look at phrasal verbs take and get. Trainees add any more they can think of. Trainees complete activity in their manuals. Answers: out under off away on up after Up. Students complete matching activity. Answers: Look after your friend, get out of bed, sweep up the mess, wash up the dishes, run out of petrol, cut up the fruit, take out the garbage, make up the bed get up wash up the dishes ran out of petrol look after your friends make up the bed cut up the fruit take out the garbage sweep up the mess. Students complete the activity in their Trainee Manuals (TMs). The hotel guest got out of bed and put on his bathrobe. He picked up his glasses and put them on. He turned on his bed side lamp, put on his slippers and walked across the room. He opened the door and picked up the newspaper, which the room attendant had delivered earlier that morning. He closed the door and walked over to the table. The guest sat down on the chair and opened up the newspaper to the sports section. Soon, there was a knock at the door. The room service attendant had arrived with the guest’s breakfast. The attendant brought in the breakfast and put it on the table. He then drew back the curtains and left the room. The guest was looking forward to his breakfast because he got up late and was very hungry. The guest was not watching what he was doing and knocked over his coffee cup. It fell onto the floor and broke into many pieces. He tried to clean up the mess but decided to call up housekeeping and get the room attendant to mop up the mess. The guest had a quick shower, put on his suit, picked up his suitcase and walked out of his room. He didn’t want to be late for the first day of the conference. Trainer checks order of events with trainees as per the text. [So, I should sweep first?] [Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that. Could you repeat it, please?] [I don’t understand. The mop goes in the detergent water first or second?] [So we clean the floor twice. Is that correct?]
Use appropriate body language to indicate understanding Body language is an important part of non-verbal communication There are many ways that you use body language to send information to other people during a conversation Different cultures use body language in different ways. Trainer introduces element and presents the first slide. Trainees complete matching activity in Trainee Manuals. Answers: OK! Good Really? Good luck! Hello, goodbye 6. You! 7. Not good 8. I’m bored! 9. I’m not sure 10. I don’t understand. Trainer instructs trainees to think of other examples of body language. Trainees complete the activity.
Use appropriate body language to indicate understanding When listening to instructions it is important to let the instructor know that you understand by using body language, such as: Nod your head Say ok, I understand Repeat what the instructor tells you Pick up or point to the items, materials, or utensils that the instructor describes Use thumbs up or ok hand gestures. Trainer introduces element and presents the first slide. Trainees complete matching activity in Trainee Manuals. Answers: OK! Good Really? Good luck! Hello, goodbye 6. You! 7. Not good 8. I’m bored! 9. I’m not sure 10. I don’t understand. Trainer instructs trainees to think of other examples of body language. Trainees complete the activity. Trainer describes a picture to Trainees. Trainer can use any simple drawing. Trainees complete the drawing activity in their Trainee Manuals.
Ask questions to confirm understanding There are many different ways to ask questions about instructions in English: Open-ended questions – more general, variety of responses Closed questions – require less information and may often just need a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer. Trainer presents question information from Trainee Manual. Trainer goes through the information on the slide. Trainees read through the dialogue. Most questions are closed except for ‘What if they have already ordered a drink?’ which is more open-ended. Students practice saying the dialogue in pairs.
Ask questions to confirm understanding Useful language: So, I should ………… then …………, is that correct? Should I …………? Could you explain that step again, please? What do I do after that? How long………..? Ok, first I ……. and after that I …….., is that right? Trainer presents slide and students practice saying the useful language.
Ask questions to confirm understanding Sail napkin activity: Trainer presents slide and students practice saying the useful language about making a sail napkin from the Trainee Manual. Trainer provides one napkin per two students. Students complete the activity from the Trainee Manual.
Respond to simple written instructions Performance criteria for this element: 2.1 Confirm understanding of supervisor’s instructions 2.2 Request repetition or clarification of instructions or requests 2.3 Complete flowcharts or diagrams to confirm understanding of instructions. Trainer presents slide and goes through performance criteria.
Confirm understanding of supervisor’s instructions Useful language: Yes, I can do that Yes, I understand Not a problem. I will do it now OK, I’ll do that straight away Sure thing, I’ll start on that now I’ve got it. I’ll have that ready for you by tomorrow morning Responding to a question with a closed statement with ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. Trainer introduces this performance criteria slide and useful language. Students complete the activity from their Trainee Manual. Trainer checks their answers and provides feedback as required. Answers: OK, I’ll do that straight away. Yes, I can do that. Sure thing, I’ll start on that now. I’ve got it. I will have it ready for you by tomorrow morning. Yes, I understand. Yes! Students practice saying the dialogues in pairs. Trainer monitors.
Request repetition or clarification of instructions or requests Introduction: Listening to and reading instructions in a second language is challenging and it is essential that you understand the details correctly It is important to be able to listen for key words and information It is necessary to feel confident enough to ask your supervisor to repeat instructions or to check your understanding, in order to make sure you understand exactly what you are required to do. Trainer introduces performance criteria and goes through the slide with the class. Activity: students read the text and fill in the gaps in their Trainee Manual. They check answers with their partner. Trainer reads out the text and students listen and check answers. Answers: Started Sweep Clean Fill Add Follow Squeeze Dip Put. Students read the text and answer questions. 8 steps First, then, next, finally after that Finally. Trainer reads out the script below. Trainees write in the missing words in bold. Supervisor instructing how to clean the floor Supervisor: Right, let’s get started! The first step in cleaning any floor is to sweep the floor area. This will allow you to remove any dirt or larger material from the floor before you mop. Kitchen Assistant: [So, I should sweep first?] Supervisor: Yes. Next, fill two mop buckets with warm water. Then add floor cleaning detergent to one bucket, making sure you follow the correct directions from the label. Kitchen Assistant: [Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that. Could you repeat it, please?] Supervisor: Sure! Fill two mop buckets with warm water and add detergent to one bucket. OK? Next, put your mop into the water with detergent added and squeeze out any excess water. Clean a small area of floor using ‘S’ or figure-eight movements. After that, rinse the mop in the detergent water. Kitchen Assistant: [I don’t understand. The mop goes in the detergent water first or second?] Supervisor: Detergent water first. Now, dip the mop into the clean water, squeeze out any excess water from the mop, and clean the same area of floor. Kitchen Assistant: [So we clean the floor twice. Is that correct?] Supervisor: Yes, that’s right. Finally, allow the floor to air-dry and put a ‘Wet Floor’ sign on the area that has been cleaned. Trainees answer questions in Trainee Manual. Asks questions for clarification or repetition. Closed questions.
Request repetition or clarification of instructions or requests Useful language: Ask the instructor to repeat the details Ask the instructor to speak louder if you can’t hear or to slow down Ask the instructor to clarify details using closed questions Ask open-ended questions for extra details Remember, it is important to remain polite when asking for extra support! Trainer presents slide. Trainer goes through dialogue with students. Trainer presents useful clarification and repetition language from Trainee Manual.
Request repetition or clarification of instructions or requests Trainer arranges class in As and Bs. Student As close their eyes and Student Bs look at the slide. Give them some time to look at the picture or photocopy and give to Student Bs. Trainees follow the instructions from the Trainee Manual. Below are the steps which the trainer could read out. Show all students the slide and see if they can tie the knot. Step 1: Make a small loop in the rope by crossing the line over itself and keep about 30 to 40 cms of rope in a bigger loop in front of the small loop Step 2: Bring the end of the rope through the small loop Step 3: Bring the end of the rope under the longer piece of rope Step 4: Bring the end back over the line and back through the small loop Step 5: Pull both ends of the rope. Students complete activity in Trainee Manual. Trainer monitors and provides support as required.
Complete flowcharts or diagrams to confirm understanding of instructions Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Trainer introduces performance criteria and goes through examples of diagrams with students (Slides 17 – 20).
Complete flowcharts or diagrams to confirm understanding of instructions Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Trainer introduces performance criteria and goes through examples of diagrams with students (Slides 17 – 20).
Complete flowcharts or diagrams to confirm understanding of instructions Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Trainer introduces performance criteria and goes through examples of diagrams with students (Slides 17 – 20).
Complete flowcharts or diagrams to confirm understanding of instructions General Manager Chief Accountant Front Office Manager F&B Manager Assistant Manager Trainer introduces performance criteria and goes through examples of diagrams with students (Slides 17 – 20).
Human Resources Manager- Sales & Marketing Manager - Complete flowcharts or diagrams to confirm understanding of instructions Director- Chief Accountant - Human Resources Manager- Sales & Marketing Manager - Facilities Manager - Personal Assistant - Trainees read the text in their Trainee Manuals and complete the names for each position. Answers: Director – Michael Jones PA – Elise Smith Chief accountant – Merril Black HRM – Chris Pane S&M – Linh Masters Facilities – Alan Sloan.
Complete flowcharts or diagrams to confirm understanding of instructions Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Trainees read the text in their Trainee Manuals and complete the steps. Trainer checks answers. Answers: Step 1 - First, place your dinner plate on the table in front of where people are sitting. Make sure it is a few centimetres in from the edge of the table Step 2 - Next, place your cutlery starting from the left side of the plate. The salad fork is on the far left, then the dinner fork Step 3 - After that, place the cutlery on the right-hand side of the plate beginning with a soup spoon, then a teaspoon for the sorbet and then the dinner knife Step 4 - Finally, place a water glass at the top of dinner knife and a wine glass above the soup spoon but slightly closer to the edge of the table Step 5 - Finish the table setting by putting a clean napkin on the dinner plate. Trainees label the diagram. Trainer checks responses. Wine glass Water glass Teaspoon Dinner knife Napkin Salad fork Dinner fork Plate.
Element 3: Express doubt about being able to carry out instructions Performance criteria for this element are: 3.1 Identify problems associated with completing a set of instructions 3.2 Seek and offer solutions to potential problems 3.3 Confirm understanding of contingency instructions. Trainer presents slide and goes through performance criteria for the element.
Identify problems associated with completing a set of instructions Trainer introduces the performance criteria and explains the need to be able to identify problems. Trainees look at the slide and discuss what the problem could be with the instruction “Put the box over there!” (Too heavy) Trainees complete the other problems in their Trainee Manuals. Answers: It’s raining. There’s too many people and not enough time. I’m sick! The weather is bad/dangerous. I don’t know how to do that. I have a sore back. We cannot park there! The toilets are broken. The flight is cancelled. Trainer goes through common problems from Trainee Manual with students. Trainees add some of their own suggestions. Trainer provides feedback as required.
Seek and offer solutions to common problems Supervisor and travel agent dialogue Supervisor: “I need you to book the ACME group on the 11am flight tomorrow. There are 20 people and they will all have luggage.” Travel agent: “I will make the booking straight away.” (Travel agent checks availability) “I tried to make the booking for 11am but it seems there are not enough seats available. I checked the later flight at 2pm tomorrow and there are enough seats for the group. Should I book the 2pm flight instead?” Supervisor: “Ok. That should be fine!” Trainer presents dialogue with a strong student. Trainees answer questions. Answers: Flight has no seats available Yes Book on a later flight. Trainer goes through useful language section of Trainee Manual with trainees. Modal verbs! Reading - Trainees read the text and underline the modal verbs. Trainer checks their answers. Practice Trainees write suggestions for each of the problems in the pictures using modal verbs. Various answers are possible using, can, should, could, may. It’s raining. Should we wait/set up inside? There’s too many people. Can someone help me? I’m sick. Could you ask someone else to help, please? It’s too dangerous. Can we wait until the weather clears? I don’t understand. Should I get the Engineer to help? I have a sore back. Can I get a trolley? We can’t park there. Should we park over there? The toilets are broken. Could you use the toilets on the ground floor? The flight is fully booked. Could I book them on an earlier flight? Trainer goes through useful language with students. Trainees repeat the language in pairs focusing on pronunciation.
Confirm understanding of contingency instructions As you have seen in this element, sometimes instructions are unable to be completed due to unforeseen issues or problems like the weather or a lack of understanding: In these cases, your supervisor may provide you with some contingency instructions which explain what to do if something doesn’t work the way it is supposed to This means you must listen or understand more than one set of instructions to complete one set of tasks. Trainer introduces the slide and contingency plans. Trainer presents conditionals section from Trainee Manual. Students read and trainer checks if they understand what a conditional sentence is. Trainees complete conditionals activity in their Trainee Manuals. Trainer monitors and checks answers. Trainees read out their answers. Answers: Will Should Might Must Can Will.
Confirm understanding of contingency instructions Example (100% certain): ‘When it rains, bring in the chairs and tables.’ Example (80% certain): ‘When it rains, you should bring in the chairs and tables.’ Example (50% certain): ‘When it rains, you could bring in the chairs and tables.’ ‘When it rains, you must bring in the chairs and tables.’ Trainer introduces the slide and information from the Trainee Manual (When). Trainees look at the examples and practice saying them. Trainer asks students to practice confirming understanding of instructions by paraphrasing or repeating instructions as per example in the Trainee Manual. Trainees use other examples in pairs and Trainer monitors and provides feedback as required.
Element 4: Follow routine procedures The performance criteria for this element are: 4.1 Demonstrate understanding of a set of instructions by carrying out a routine job 4.2 Explain exceptions to routine procedure 4.3 Discuss ways to improve routine procedures. Trainer introduces the elements and performance criteria.
Demonstrate understanding of a set of instructions by carrying out a routine job You can let your supervisor know you understand what to do by: Saying you understand Repeating the instructions or contingency instructions Demonstrating you can complete the instructions successfully. Trainer introduces performance criteria. Trainees read introduction.
Demonstrate understanding of a set of instructions by carrying out a routine job Trainer provides a piece of paper for each trainee. Trainees look at the instructions and complete the task. Trainer checks the completed planes. Trainer asks trainees to form groups of four and trainees can test which plane flies the best by trying to hit a target (bin, whiteboard). Trainer presents restaurant booking activity from Trainee Manual. Trainees write a dialogue in pairs and practice. Trainer monitors and provides feedback as required. All pairs must complete the dialogue practice.
Demonstrate understanding of a set of instructions by carrying out a routine job Trainees read the complaint pro forma above and write a logical set of instructions to complete the form. Trainees read out their instructions when completed and the class chooses the best set of instructions. Trainer checks grammar and pronunciation when reading out instructions. Students can use point form or numbering. Activity – Workplace Instructions Trainees read the instructions in their Trainee Manuals. They choose a routine procedure from the workplace and write a set of instructions. Trainer collects finished instructions and then students choose a set randomly and try to carry out the instructions. Trainees decide if the instructions are clear and logical. Trainer offers suggestions for improving instructions.
Explain exceptions to routine instructions There are many routine procedures that you will be required to complete each day in your job. For example: Answering the telephone Cleaning the floor Taking a booking Responding to enquiries Booking a tour. Trainer introduces the slide. Trainees read through information in Trainee Manual. Trainer asks students to brainstorm routine procedures in their workplace. Trainees share with the class. Trainer introduces the concept of exceptions to routine procedures.
Explain exceptions to routine instructions Step 1: First, place your dinner plate on the table in front of where people are sitting. Make sure it is a few centimetres in from the edge of the table. Step 2: Next, place your cutlery starting from the left side of the plate. Step 3: After that, place the cutlery on the right-hand side of the plate beginning with a soup spoon, then a teaspoon for the sorbet and then the dinner knife. Step 4: Finally, place a water glass at the top of dinner knife and a wine glass above the soup spoon but slightly closer to the edge of the table. Step 5: Finish the table setting by putting a clean cloth napkin on the dinner plate. Trainer instructs students to read the instructions on the slide. When might they have to alter the instructions? Trainees brainstorm reasons why the table setting may have to be altered. For example: different courses, different style of food, not enough space on the tables, customer requests different setting, outdoor function and too windy, lack of time.
Explain exceptions to routine instructions Adverbs of frequency describe how often something happens. For example: Usually Always Never Sometimes Occasionally. Trainer introduces adverbs of frequency. Trainees read the information from their Trainee Manual. Trainees complete the frequency activity from their Trainee Manual. Trainer monitors answers. Answers: Very frequent – always, often, mostly Frequent – regularly, normally, generally Less frequent – sometimes, intermittently, occasionally Infrequent – seldom, rarely, never, sporadically. Students complete sentences in their Trainee Manuals with their own information. Trainer checks and provides feedback as required.
Discuss ways to improve routine procedures In many organisations, standard operating procedures or routine procedures have been implemented for long periods of time. Improving procedures can: Provide positive benefits to an organisation Provide cost savings Develop safer conditions Increase efficiency. Trainer introduces performance criteria and trainees read through information in their Trainee Manuals. Trainer presents modal verbs with trainees from Trainee Manuals.
Discuss ways to improve routine procedures Step 1 Fill a sink with warm water and detergent Put a clean cloth in the sink and soak it Step 2 Take the cloth to the table Wipe the table Step 3 Take the cloth back to the sink and rinse it Go back to the table and clean again Trainees read the activity instructions in their Trainee Manuals. Students look at the procedure on the slide and offer suggestions for improving the procedure. Trainer encourages trainees to come up with different suggestions.
Discuss ways to improve routine procedures Step 1: Let the phone ring at least 5 times before answering Step 2: Answer the phone and wait for the person to say something. Step 3: Tell the person to wait while you finish your lunch Step 4: Say hello! Step 5: Tell the person you will get a manager. Trainees read the activity instructions in their Trainee Manuals. Students look at the procedure on the slide and in small groups offer suggestions for improving the procedure - “How not to answer the phone in English”.
Discuss ways to improve routine procedures Write down a set of instructions for a routine procedure at your workplace In small groups share your instructions and discuss ways that you could improve the procedure Share the suggestions with the whole class: Students brainstorm different routine procedures from their workplace then write ways to improve the procedures. Trainer monitors and provides assistance where required. Trainees share suggestions with the class.
Finish: Thank you! This is the conclusion of the subject. Thank the trainees and deliver assessments as required.