IPCC Synthesis Report Part I Overview How to address the issue of “dangerous anthropogenic perturbation” to the climate system The relationship between climate change and development, equity and sustainability Robert Watson
Mother Earth -- Our Home It is has water, oxygen and a hospitable climate
World Population 6,056,528,577 The Challenge: Sustainable Management of an Ever-Changing Planet
The Challenge: Sustainable Energy
The Challenge: Food Security
Food production needs to double to meet the needs of an additional 3 billion people in the next 30 years Climate change is projected to decrease agricultural productivity in the tropics and sub-tropics for almost any amount of warming
The Challenge: Sustainable Forestry
Wood fuel is the only source of fuel for one third of the world’s population Wood demand will double in next 50 years Climate change is projected to increase forest productivity, but forest management will become more difficult, due to an increase in pests and fires
The Challenge: Water Security
Water Services One third of the world’s population is now subject to water scarcity Population facing water scarcity will more than double over the next 30 years Climate change is projected to decrease water availability in many arid- and semi-arid regions
The Challenge: Sustainable Fisheries
The Challenge: Sustainable use & conservation of biodiversity
Climate change will exacerbate the loss of biodiversity Estimated 10-15% of the world’s species could become extinct over the next 30 years Biodiversity underlies all ecological goods and services
Food and Fiber Production Provision of Clean and Sufficient Water Maintenance of Biodiversity Maintenance of Human Health Storage and cycling of Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus Agricultural Lands Coastal Zones Forest Lands Freshwater Systems Arid Lands & Grasslands Climate change will affect the ability of ecological systems to provide a range of essential ecological goods and services
The Challenge: Sustainable Management of an Ever-Changing Planet
Key Findings Climate change is not just an environmental issue, but a development issue Global and regional changes have been observed in the chemical composition of the atmosphere, earth's surface temperature, precipitation, extreme climatic events, sea level These have caused changes in biological, physical and socio-economic systems Most of the observed warming of the past 50 years is attributable to human activities Questions 1 & 2
Future changes in atmospheric composition and climate are inevitable with increases in temperature and some extreme events, and regional increases and decreases in precipitation, leading to an increased risks of floods and droughts There are both beneficial and adverse effects of climate change, but the larger the changes and rate of change in climate, the more the adverse effects predominate with developing countries being the most vulnerable Question 3 Key Findings
Adaptation has the potential to reduce adverse effects of climate change, but will not prevent all damages Inertia is a widespread characteristic of the interacting climate, ecological and socio- economic systems which means that the impacts may not be observed for decades to centuries and mal-adaptations may be implemented Questions 3 & 5 Key Findings
Greenhouse gas emissions in the 21 st century can set in motion large-scale, high- impact, non-linear, and potentially abrupt changes in physical and biological systems over the coming decades to millennia Sustained warming of a few o C over millennia is projected to lead to an increase in sea level of several meters due to loss of Greenland and Antarctic Ice Question 4 Key Findings
Stabilization of the atmospheric concentration of CO 2 will require global emissions to decline to only a small fraction of current emissions -- even after stabilization of CO 2 concentrations, sea level will continue to rise for millennia Stabilization of carbon dioxide at 450ppm and 1000ppm would result in an equilibrium temperature rise of 0.9 to 2.5 o C and 2.9 to 7.5 o C above 1990 levels, respectively. Increases in non-CO 2 concentrations would increase these estimates The lower the level of stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations the greater the benefits in terms of avoided damages Question 6 Key Findings
There are many opportunities, including technological options, to reduce near-term emissions, but barriers to their deployment exist, and cost estimates vary greatly There are substantial opportunities for lowering mitigation costs, e.g. by using all greenhouse gases, the Kyoto trading mechanisms and sinks On the other hand, costs are under-estimated because models assume emissions trading without transaction costs and that economies have already begun to adjust to meet Kyoto targets Question 7 Key Findings
Emissions constraints on Annex I countries have well-established “spill-over” effects on non-Annex I countries Technology development and diffusion are important components of cost-effective stabilization The pathway to stabilization and the stabilization level itself are key determinants of mitigation costs Question 7 Key Findings
Local, regional and global environmental issues are inextricably linked and affect sustainable development – climate change, loss of biodiversity, stratospheric ozone depletion, desertification, freshwater availability and air quality are all inter-linked The primary factors underlying most environmental and socio-economic issues are similar, i.e., economic growth, broad technological changes, life-style patterns and demographic shifts Question 8 Key Findings
There are synergistic opportunities to simultaneously address these issues that enhance benefits, reduce costs and more sustainably meet human needs The capacity of a country to adapt or mitigate can be enhanced when climate policies are integrated into national development policies – economic, social and environmental Question 8 Key Findings
What is Dangerous Anthropogenic Interference with the Climate System? Deciding what constitutes “dangerous anthropogenic interference to the climate system” is a value judgment determined through socio-political processes informed by scientific, technical and socio-economic information The basis for determining what constitutes “dangerous anthropogenic interference” varies by region and sector and depends upon: – the impacts of climate change, which depends on the rate and magnitude of climate change, and – adaptive and mitigative capacity
What is Dangerous Anthropogenic Interference with the Climate System…. Climate change decision-making is a sequential process under general uncertainty Climate change is part of the larger challenge of sustainable development
Climate Change – An integrated framework