Writing to describe Date: Learning Objective To consolidate and improve ‘writing to describe’ techniques
What is an adjective? A word describing a noun or pronoun. e.g. crystal clear water. 1 minute challenge Now think of 5 of your own. What did you come up with?
What is an adverb? A word used to modify a verb, adjective or another e.g. he walks quickly. e.g. she is extremely clever. e.g. the boys nearly always get home late. 1 minute challenge Now think of 5 of your own. What did you come up with?
What is a simile? When two things are compared using as or like. e.g. the sun is like a big yellow balloon. 1 minute challenge Now think of 5 of your own. What did you come up with?
What is a metaphor? A figure of speech in which two things are compared usually by saying one thing is another. e.g. he was a lion in battle. 1 minute challenge Now think of 5 of your own. What did you come up with?
What are our 5 senses? Sight Sound Smell Touch Taste
Sweet Task Sight Describe the way it looks using adjectives, adverbs, similes and metaphors. e.g. the sweet is as bright as the sun. e.g. the shiny sweet looks fruity.
Sweet task Sound Describe the sound as you open your sweet wrapper using adjectives, adverbs, similes and metaphors. e.g. the transparent wrapper crunched like fresh snow.
Sweet task Smell Describe the way your sweet smells using adjectives, adverbs, similes and metaphors. e.g. the sweet is a ripe yellow lemon. e.g. the sweet smells like a fruit bowl.
Sweet task Touch and taste Describe the way your sweet feels and tastes as you put it in your mouth, using adjectives, adverbs, similes and metaphors. e.g. the sweet feels as smooth as a pane of glass.
Writing to describe Well done!! A good description uses: The five senses; Similes and metaphors; and Adjectives and adverbs. This is because a good description paints a picture with words.
Market place Look at the following images of a market and think of all the things you would see, hear, smell, taste and feel.
Your task Imagine you are walking through a market place. Describe all the things you can see, hear, smell, taste and touch as you enter the market and walk past the stalls. Remember Adjectives; Adverbs Similes; Metaphors; Descriptive vocabulary.
Plenary Lets hear your descriptive writing!!