The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM: 1. Between two thieves (Isa. 53:12). 2. Statement #1 (Lk. 23:34). 3. Offered wine/myrrh; refused. 4. Soldiers divide garments (Jn. 19:23-24). 5. Soldiers keep watch. 6. Statement #2 (Jn. 19:25-27). 7. Mockery: Passers-by, priests, scribes, el- ders, soldiers, robbers. 8. Statement #3 (Lk. 23:40-43).
The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM: 1. Darkness on the earth. 2. Statement #4 (Mt. 27:46-47). 3. Statement #5 (Jn. 19:28-29); given wine. 4. Statement #6 (Jn. 19:30). 5. Statement #7 (Lk. 23:46). 6. He died (Mt. 27:50; Mk. 15:37; Lk. 23:46; Jn. 19:30).
The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ “What will you do with Jesus, my friend? Neutral you cannot be: Someday your heart will be asking, oh friend What will He do with me?” (“What Will You Do With Jesus?” Songs of the Church, A)