Jesus was born in Bethlehem 2010 years ago. When he was born, it was prophesised that he would be the future King of Israel, therefore, King Herod ordered all children under the age of two to be killed. Jesus and his family fled to Egypt. In his first 30 years, he lived a traditional Jewish life as a carpenter. In his early thirties he began public teaching, and was said to have performed miracles.
Roman governors and leaders became jealous of Jesus, and started to fear him. They ordered his capture and execution. He was crucified after he couldn't "prove" he was the Son of God. According to witnesses, he rose from the grave three days later. Witnesses then believed to have seen him ascend into Heaven 40 days thereafter.
He changed many peoples lives. In various parts of the Bible, it is described how he gave sight to the blind, fed the hungry and helped the poor. Jesus is still one of the major religious symbols of the world.
After capturing Jesus, the Roman soldiers humiliated and scourged him. They set the Crown of Thorns on his head. They led him with 2 other thieves to be crucified. Jesus was too weak to bear his cross, therefore Simon of Cyrene helped him carry it. They traveled to Golgotha (Calvary).
Jesus’ clothes were removed, then the soldiers offered him a drink of wine mixed with myrrh. His hands and feet were nailed to the cross. Before his death, Jesus called out “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do,” and then he died. Afterwards, they placed his body in a tomb.