Other Nursing Databases – Part 1 Finding Journal Full Text Articles; ProQuest Nursing Journals; Health Source: Nursing/Academic
Finding Full Text Articles Using the IWU Databases
3 Finding full text articles Let’s say you were researching continuing education in the hospital. Using CINAHL you found several good articles that were peer-reviewed but not available full text in CINAHL. How do you know if/where these articles are available? Let’s find out. Using the Journal Search engine will save you a lot of time as you do your research! Let’s say you were researching continuing education in the hospital. Using CINAHL you found several good articles that were peer-reviewed but not available full text in CINAHL. How do you know if/where these articles are available? Let’s find out. Using the Journal Search engine will save you a lot of time as you do your research!
4 You have a citation in CINAHL. Is it available full text in CINAHL? Is it full text someplace else?
5 Is it full text someplace else? You can also locate articles that are not full text in CINAHL but may be in another IWU database or available in paper in the IWU Library. Let’s see how! Note the Get it! link.
6 This article is available in a couple of other IWU databases. The button takes you directly to the article that is actually stored in ProQuest Nursing Journals.
7 You can also use the journal search tool to locate the journal. Sometimes the red Get it! button “misfires.” You can simply check directly in the Journal Search tool.
8 Start at the OCLS homepage, Click on: Journal Titles (under Key Links) You may need to authenticate (library access #) Type in the name of the journal title—not article title. Click on: Journal Titles (under Key Links) You may need to authenticate (library access #) Type in the name of the journal title—not article title.
9 This tells you where/how it is available. This one is only available from Jackson Library. Send OCLS the citation and the article can be copied/scanned and sent to you. (
10 If you were searching in ProQuest Nursing Journals and came across this article from the same journal, the Get it! button would tell you it was available in the library. Again request it from OCLS for a scanned copy of the article.
ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source
12 ProQuest Nursing Journals Subscription based database (needs IWU authentication library access number). Provides full text, cover to cover content for several hundred nursing related journals. Allows keyword searching and publication searching. Allows for printing, ing or saving the articles. Subscription based database (needs IWU authentication library access number). Provides full text, cover to cover content for several hundred nursing related journals. Allows keyword searching and publication searching. Allows for printing, ing or saving the articles.
13 Start at OCLS home page Click on: Nursing (under Article Databases) Locate: ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source. You will need to authenticate with your library 14-digit library access number. Click on: Nursing (under Article Databases) Locate: ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source. You will need to authenticate with your library 14-digit library access number.
If you are in the Nursing Education track…. 14 You may want to additionally add in another ProQuest database, ProQuest Education Journals database. Once in the Nursing database, click on: the arrow beside, Searching: 1 database. Uncheck, Select all and check mark ERIC, ProQuest Education Journals & ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source. Click on: Use selected databases. You may want to additionally add in another ProQuest database, ProQuest Education Journals database. Once in the Nursing database, click on: the arrow beside, Searching: 1 database. Uncheck, Select all and check mark ERIC, ProQuest Education Journals & ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source. Click on: Use selected databases.
15 You can do a keyword search; use multiple rows to use Boolean searching.
16 This search yields a lot! We can get a smaller result by limiting to Full Text and/or Peer reviewed. The search results also gives Suggested Subjects to search. [Note: if you try this search your number will likely be different as these databases are updated daily.]
17 Perhaps we can bring the result down significantly by limiting to Peer reviewed and adding another term, nurses. We still have a lot of results!
18 The number of references is given for some articles. Links to the full text (if available) are also shown under each citation.
19 ProQuest Nursing Journals also allows for publication searching… Type in the journal. Click on the title.
20 Select the needed year range, then needed year, needed issue and needed article. Or, You can scan all the articles in the issue!
Health Source: Nursing/Academic EBSCOHost databases
22 Health Source: Nursing/Academic Subscription based database (needs IWU authentication barcode). Provides some full text content for over hundreds of nursing related journals and an additional 300 that provide indexing. Allows subject and keyword searching and publication searching. Allows for printing, ing or saving the articles. Subscription based database (needs IWU authentication barcode). Provides some full text content for over hundreds of nursing related journals and an additional 300 that provide indexing. Allows subject and keyword searching and publication searching. Allows for printing, ing or saving the articles.
23 Start at OCLS home page Click on: Nursing (under Article Databases) Locate: Health Source: Nursing/Academic You will need to authenticate with your library 14-digit library access number.
24 You can do a keyword search as this is the default search.
25 Or, you can do a subject search… Click on: Subjects, type one of the topics in the Browsing: text box. Clicking on Continuing Education allows you to see related topics and check mark as many you need. Then repeat the steps for the 2 nd topic.
26 For the 2 nd term, click on Subjects; type: Hospitals; Browse; click on Hospitals to see Related terms. Check mark any that apply.
27 When on the results screen, click on Search History.
28 The last search you did is already in the Search box. So, just check mark the first search and click on the Search with AND. The new results will be available below the Search History area.
29 Your results are less than the first keyword search in this database, but the results are probably more relevant to your topics.
30 When full text is available, you can display it and save, or print it
Other Nursing Databases – Part 2 MEDLINE Digital Dissertations Cochrane Library ERIC MEDLINE Digital Dissertations Cochrane Library ERIC