Energizer List 3 physical properties of water. Colorless, liquid at room temperature, density of 1 g/mL and odorless You have two objects, both about the size of an orange. Object A has a mass of 1,487 g, and object B has a mass of 878 g. Which object has a greater density? Explain. Object A; Both objects have the same volume, so the object with more mass has the greater density.
Unit 1 Properties of Matter
Help to identify a substance Are readily observable Color, hardness, density, boiling point, change of state etc. Physical Properties
Physical Properties Continued Thermal Conductivity: the rate at which a substance transfers heat – Good conductor: metal – Poor conductor: Styrofoam State: the physical form in which a substance exists. (solid, liquid, gas or plasma) Solubility: the ability of a substance to dissolve in another substance. (ex. Flavored drink mix in water)
Physical Properties Continued Ductility: the ability of a substance to be pulled into a wire Malleability: the ability of a substance to be rolled or pounded into thin sheets
Cause changes to physical properties Physical properties will change but the substance or type of matter will remain the SAME! DO NOT result in the formation of a new substance Physical Change
If you melt a block of ice, you still have H2O in the end. If you break a bottle you still have glass. Painting a piece of wood will not make it not be wood. Melting, freezing, breaking, condensing, crushing, cutting and bending Examples of Physical Change
Name 2 physical properties and 1 chemical property of a tree. Give an example of a chemical change that may occur during the preparation of a meal. Energizer
Describe matters ability to change into new matter. Can only be observed if the type of matter is changed Characteristic Property: A property that is always the same no matter the size of the sample. These can be used to identify and classify a substance. – Examples: density and magnetism Chemical Properties
Flammability: – will the object burn? Reactivity – Will to substances react to form a new substance? Chemical Property Examples
We can observe physical properties without changing the substance. We cannot observe a chemical property without changing the matter involved. Difference between physical and chemical properties?
A change that matter undergoes when it turns into a NEW substance – elements of the original substance are broken apart and rearranged to form a NEW substance Chemical Changes ALWAYS result in the formation of a NEW substance with different properties than the original substance(s). Chemical Changes are difficult to reverse (think of trying to unbake a cake) Chemical Change
Burning a log causes a chemical reaction that releases carbon dioxide Placing an alka-seltza in water releases carbon dioxide bubbles Exposing some metals to water and oxygen causes the formation of rust Other processes that include chemical reaction: Digestion Respiration Photosynthesis Decomposition Common Examples of Chemical Change:
Change in color Change in odor Production of heat Fizzing Foaming Sound or light being given off Signs that a chemical change has occurred:
A bike is left out in the rain and begins to rust A match burns, leaving only a charred stick of wood A copper wire is cut into 5 pieces Flammability An ice cube melts Solubility Gasoline burns in a running car Physical or Chemical? Property or Change?
Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius A silver tea set tarnishes over time A water molecule gains enough energy to enter the vapor phase Lemonade powder is soluble in water Food coloring is added to cake icing to make it pink Alka seltzer is put into water and bubbles form NaOH + HCl NaCl + H2O Physical or Chemical? Property or Change?