Position and Motion Section 1.1
Position Position: location of a place or object Position is described using comparison to another location. Reference point: location to which you compare other locations. Latitude and longitude are a standard system to describe location Latitude- degrees North and South of Equator Longitude- degrees East and West of Prime Meridian
Measuring Distance Meters (m) are the standard scientific unit of measurement for length Measuring distance depends on the information you want Straight line tells distance between 2 points Length of path tells distance of travelled route
Motion Motion: change in position over time Horizontal: across Vertical: up and down Speed: described how quickly an object changes position Good descriptions of motion include information on speed.
Relative Motion How motion is observed depends on the position and motion of the observer. Frame of reference: location of observer when comparing motion Ground is typically used as frame of reference http://www.classzone.com/books/ml_science_share/vis_ sim/mfm05_pg7_relmotion/mfm05_pg7_relmotion.html