Welcome to the 2013 Membership Meeting
Advancing Learning Transforming Scholarship
ACRL IMLS grant-funded “Assessment in Action: Academic Libraries and Student Success” program
New Immersion programs Teaching with Technology Practical Management for the Instruction Coordinator
Scholarly Communication: From Understanding to Engagement Publications (white paper and book) Advocacy: SCOAP and FASTR
Saturday, June 29 10:30 am - 12:00 noon McCormick Convention Center, S105a-c
Contributions to Friends of ACRL Provide scholarships that enable librarians to sustain their professional development Help seed innovative new programs Support exemplary programs and best practices Enhance opportunities for global connections among academic and research librarians Melody Royster ACRL 2013 Conference Scholarship Recipient
Remember ACRL in your: Will Trust Retirement Plan Insurance Policy “I want those coming after me to enjoy the benefits of ACRL just as I have.”
ALA is pleased to recognize the following Legacy Society members who have generously included ACRL in their planned giving: Joyce L. Ogburn and Steven A. Eichner Mary Jane Petrowski Patricia A. Wand
Oct On the Road to Information Literacy Success: Putting Students in the “Driver’s” Seat Oct 14 - Nov 1 Creating Accessible Video Tutorials “Information. Innovation. Involvement.”
Oct. 2 Applying the Standards for Libraries in Higher Education - Designing Assessments Oct. 23 Applying the Standards for Libraries in Higher Education - Strategic Planning and Benchmarking Nov. 13 Applying the Standards for Libraries in Higher Education - Communicating Results and Crafting the Library's Story
The premier refereed scholarly journal for academic and research librarians
Online access to ACRL and NCES academic library data, present For all your strategic planning, advocacy, budget presentation, benchmarking and trend analysis needs. “ACRL Metrics is a potentially powerful tool for academic library management and leadership...”
Sections Discussion Groups Interest Groups