Presented by Adam Crawford Robin Hamilton Alex Johnson Erin Sullivan
Stevens Johnson College Midwestern Private University Enrollment about 4,000 students Heavily Residential 8 Greek orgs (85% student population) Area Coordinator + 6 RAs per hall Each Greek house has a Hall Director Tight-nit, Familial community
Dr. Graham, VP of Student Affairs (us) RAs, House Directors, Area Coordinators Chief of Police, Schiffelbein 5 Female Students in Incident 3 Deceased 1Resident Assistant 2 Soccer players 2 Sorority members President/Board Members
President Board of Directors Student Body Alumni Community (media, members) Sorority members Soccer Team/Ath. Dept O’Leary Hall residents RAs Area Coordinator of the Hall Chapter House Director Sorority National Headquarters Legal Counsel
Counseling & Testing Center Student Conduct Police Department Parents of Students Involved Parents in general Greek Life Office Admissions Recruitment NCAA Chaplain/Religious Faculty Director of University Communications White Water Rental Co
What was the nature of this event? Time of year (recruitment?) Who else was there? What risk management steps were taken? Did they get university approval? (registration form from University) Were there waivers? Who checked out the equipment (rental from, how many rafts, when were they checked out)? Are all students accounted for on the rental form? Who are these students? What else are they involved in?
Within 24 Hours: Identify these students & who they were Response to community/media Interaction/Informing of parents & loved ones Address to campus What went wrong? Was there approval? What happened? Legal boundaries
Contact Immediately: President Legal Counsel Sorority National Headquarters Greek Life Director, Sorority House Director Residence Hall Director Counseling Center Director Parents, Loved ones, Roommates Reasoning: Need-to-know Professionals/significant individuals
Appoint contact person for family Family concerns/visitation/funeral attendance Find out when the funeral service will be taking place Visit hospital Reasoning: Make personal connection to family/create open line of communication.
Instruct Dean of Students to: Take care of student records Contact college deans to encourage faculty to address & encourage discussion on issue. Postpone exams. Chickering: Student/Fac Relationships & Curriculum Reasoning: Make personal connection to family/create open line of communication. Utilize faculty and classroom experience to help students cope. Evans, Forney, Guido, Patton, & Renn (2010)
Pres. Of University, VP of Student Affairs, Athletic Director, Soccer Coach, Director of Counseling Center, Director of House Chapter, Residence Hall Area Coordinator, Greek Life Director, Legal Counsel, Provost, Dean of Students, Police Chief, Director of Communications, Director of Admissions (campus tour concerns) Reasoning: Discuss the situation and actions needed to take concerning each position. Key Player Meeting including:
Suspend all on-campus events for 24 hours, all off-campus events until further notice. Reasoning: Create a somber atmosphere. Issue of safety and risk management.
Work with student leaders and closely connected students to the recently deceased to plan a student-led memorial service that afternoon. Chickering: KI-Student Development Programs, Friendships and Student Communities Reasoning: Involving students in collaboration for support. Evans, Forney, Guido, Patton, & Renn (2010)
Classes are cancelled in the afternoon so that President can address the student body Closed to non-faculty/students/staff Followed by memorial service, introduced by Student Body President Schlossberg: Context-close-nit, familial campus community Reasoning: Respecting/nurturing the campus family. Evans, Forney, Guido, Patton, & Renn (2010) Schlossberg, Waters, & Goodman (1995)
Mobilize Counseling Center/Contact Campus Ministry for: Soccer team Sorority Residence Hall Any students, faculty, staff, and community Reasoning: Responding to campus community’s grieving needs. Puget Sound Crisis Management (2012)
President initially addresses media All further communication through Director of Communications Reasoning: More facts will be had, and we will have dealt with important contacts.
3 months later: Dealing with troubled students Prevention “Fun Police” Perception Continue to support the healing Moving Forward Be sensitive to anniversaries
Trainings for Student Groups, Greek Organizations on alcohol & safety. Encourage student leaders to use multiple learning styles/techniques to enhance learning. Kolb: Different learning styles. Concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, active experimentation. Lecture vs. discussion vs. reading Reasoning: Gives students ownership of the programs we are trying to implement. Evans, Forney, Guido, Patton, & Renn (2010)
Ensure that student support (counseling, RAs) is still available and prepared and successful for students. Encourage using Helping Models method. Intervention programs. Follow-up plan for students (Anniversaries a year later) Chickering: Student Dev. Programs; Schlossberg: Institutional Support, Helping Models: identify 4 S’s, your strengths, etc. Reasoning: Students develop at different rates. Evans, Forney, Guido, Patton, & Renn (2010)
Addressing “fun police” perception: Ensure students are a part of the solution when analyzing/developing/revamping Greek Life policies, for example Schlossberg: Situation: redefining as student-guided Reasoning: Giving students ownership of the policies and weight of the situation. Evans, Forney, Guido, Patton, & Renn (2010) Schlossberg, Waters, & Goodman (1995)
Prevention: Complete review, possible revamp of university policy to ensure proper risk management. Example: alcohol, off-campus policies, res life policy Schlossberg: moving out Crisis Management Committee/Team to help with this process consisting of students/faculty/staff. Reasoning: Ensure proper risk management. Evans, Forney, Guido, Patton, & Renn (2010) Schlossberg, Waters, & Goodman (1995)
Develop curriculum to go before faculty senate for course to cope w/ death for students. Chickering: managing emotions, Kolb’s Experiential Learning: students learn through different methods Reasoning: Provide learning experience to help student grow and cope with the situation. Evans, Forney, Guido, Patton, & Renn (2010)
Posthumous degree on students’ expected graduation dates. Add to policy if not already. Schlossberg: Moving out Chickering: EI: Institutional Objectives Reasoning: Honoring student’s work. Evans, Forney, Guido, Patton, & Renn (2010)
Work with Admissions/Recruitment to not avoid questions, explain the revamped/reviewed safety policies, parallel message with university Reasoning: Produce message for those outside the university community.
Crawford, E. (2003, July 11). A course helps students learn to cope with death. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved November 7, 2012, from article/A-Course-Helps-Students-Learn/35341/ Emergency and Crisis Response (2012, January). In Puget Sound. Retrieved November 7, 2012, from response Evans, N. J., Forney, D. S., Guido, F. M., Patton, L. D., & Renn, K. A. (2010). Student development in college: theory, research, and practice (2nd ed., pp ). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Schlossberg, N. K., Waters, E. B., & Goodman, J. (1995). Counseling adults in transition: Linking practice to theory (2nd ed.). New York: Springer. Retrieved September 10, 2012 Sacramento State University. (2009, January 27). Procedures Related to Student Death. In Policies and Procedures. Retrieved November 7, 2012, from Policies_Procedures/Student%20Death%20Procedures.htmlhttp://