Made by: Prim Grade 10
CREATIONISM universe is created by God Genesis in the Bible Many types
TYPES OF CREATIONISTS 1 CHRISTIAN CREATIONISM Flat Earthers Geocentrics Young Earth Creationists Omphalos Old Earth Creationists Gap Creationists Day-Age Creationism Progressive Creationism Intelligent Design Creationism
Evolutionary Creationism Theistic Evolutionists Methodological Materialistic Evolutionists Philosophical Materialistic Evolutionists Non-Christian Creationism Raelians Panspermia Catastrophic Evolution
Flat Earthers – flat land, round atmosphere Geocentrism – Ptolemy model
Young Earth Creationism – literal Bible Omphalos – created young, but looks aged
Old Earth Creationism – old Earth, later life Gap Creationism – long gap, recreation
Day-Age Creationism – 6 days of creation happens over long time. Progressive Creationism – God created animals (not relating)
Intelligent Design Creationism – God's design is seen. Evolutionary Creationism – dependent on God. Theistic Evolution –God creates through evolution.
Methodological Materialistic Evolution – God doesn’t interfere with evolution Philosophical Materialistic Evolution – supernatural doesn’t exist
NON-CHRISTIAN CREATIONISM Raelians – other planet scientists Panspermia – life brought by other solar system. Catasthrophic Evolution - evolution occurs accidently.
Animals evolve into another animal. Two main types of evolution One kind of animal change to another. Ex. Apes Humans Animals branched from a common ancestor. Ex. Common ancestor (?) Humans, Apes
TYPES OF EVOLUTION Organic Evolution Macro-Evolution Micro-Evolution Cosmic Evolution Chemical Evolution Stella and Planetary Evolution
MAIN Organic Evolution – common ancestor Macro-Evolution – big, major changes Micro-Evolution – small, minor changes
Cosmic Evolution – Big Bang Chemical Evolution – hydrogen Stella and Planetary Evolution - stars and planets
SOURCES 1 Isaak, Mark. “What is Creationism?” The TalkOrigins, 30 May Web. 15 Aug 2 “The Different Types of Evolution.” The Final Frontier. Web. 18 Aug =9