Pushing Up the Sky By: Joseph Bruchac Day 3
Pushing Up the Sky Author: Joseph Bruchac Illustrator: Teresa Flavin Genre: Play Comprehension Skill: Author’s Purpose Comprehension Strategy: Summarize
Question of the Day Why aren't the people successful in pushing up the sky the first time they try?
Small Group Read “Pushing Up the Sky”, pages 314-320.
Reader Response Open for Discussion Stage directors use sound effects and movements to help a play seem real for the audience. What sound effects and movements would you put into this play to help it seem real? 1. When does the narrator talk in this play? Why do you think the author includes a narrator? Think Like an Author 2. The author's purpose is the writer's reason for writing. Give one important purpose the author might have for writing Pushing Up the Sky. Author's Purpose 3. If someone asked you what Pushing Up the Sky is about, how would you summarize it for them? Think about the problem the tribes have and how they solve it to help with your summary. Summarize 4. Narrator is a word that often appears in plays. What other words in the story are "play words"?
Look Back and Write How does this play explain something in nature? Write what it is and how the people explained it. Use details from the play to support your answer.
Time for the Test!
Fluency I’m going to read aloud p. 314. Listen how my voice changes as I read the dialogue of the different characters. Practice doing Readers’ Theater readings of this page in groups of five.
Pushing Up the Sky Grammar Day 3
Daily Fix-It The hunters spoted a brown bare among the trees. The hunters spotted a brown bear among the trees. 2. They went after the animal but it dissapeared into the woods. They went after the animal but it disappeared into the woods.
Main and Helping Verbs Describing the precise time of an action makes writing clearer. Helping verbs express time. The men have seen bears many times before. Homework/Classwork Grammar and Writing Practice Book p. 46
Pushing Up the Sky Writing Day 2
Writing Prompt Pushing Up the Sky tells about people working together to do something important. Think about a real or imaginary time when a group worked together. Now write a skit about that time.
Test-taking Tips Use only a few characters. Have their speeches move the skit’s action along. Use a narrator to help set up the story and identify the conflict or the problem to be solved. Use strong verbs in sentences in parentheses to describe the characters’ actions.
Pushing Up the Sky Spelling Day 3
Spelling - Prefixes Objective: Spell words with prefixes un-, re-, mis-, dis-. When the prefixes un-, re-, mis-, or dis- are added to words, no change is made to the base word: unhappy, recall, mistake, dislike. Adding certain prefixes to base words does not usually change the pronunciation of the base word.
Journal Entry Write a journal entry about something that happened in your life. Use at least four spelling words.
Classwork/Homework Spelling Practice Book p. 47 Frequently misspelled words: a lot off said
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