THE BASIC 8 In baking, there are 8 basic ingredients that we use, each one with its own purpose c014e893cb755970d-popup
Flour is the basic ingredient in all baked goods. It is the “building block” that gives the structure. Wheat flour contains GLUTEN which gives it the ability to stretch as needed in most bread. There are many different types of flour that can be used, depending upon the needs and desires. Examples include: all purpose, cake, bread, whole-wheat, buckwheat, corn, oat, barley, potato, quinoa, soy, etc.
There are a variety of sweeteners used in baking: Sugar (white, brown, icing, etc) Sweeteners substitutes (equal, splenda, twin, etc) Molasses/Syrups (maple, corn, etc.) Sugar has various purposes in baking Adds sweetness and flavor Adds volume when creamed with other ingredients Holds moisture from the liquid ingredients which makes the baked product last longer Adds color since sugar turns brown when baked There are various types of sugar, each adding its own flavor and purpose journey.html
Eggs have many functions in baked goods including Makes the product tender Adding flavor Adding nutrients Help to form the structure EG) angel food cake Provide liquid Help the fat and liquid stay combined Always use a large sized egg unless the recipe states otherwise
Fat is added to baked goods for: Adding flavor EG) butter adds a rich nutty flavor Tenderizing Adds volume when combined with other ingredients Helps gluten to stretch which allows the bread to rise more Adds moisture Gives a pleasant feeling in our mouth when the foods is eaten
Leavening agents make the baked good rise There are four basic leavening agents used in baking Baking powder (a combination of an acid and a base – needs moisture and/or heat to activate) Baking soda (a base only – needs an acid and/or heat to activate) Yeast (a living organism that requires heat, moisture and food to activate Air (commonly incorporated through beating) king/1/G/T/F/1/leaveners1.jpg&imgrefurl= ZnRGE17kiSvljwJHqGE=&h=160&w=160&sz=57&hl=en&start=64 &zoom=1&tbnid=y9cH- YLkAZJOWM:&tbnh=98&tbnw=98&ei=xDN0UPirMeSzywGJ5oCYBQ& prev=/search%3Fq%3Dleavening%2Bagents%26start%3D60%26hl %3Den%26sa%3DN%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1
Liquids are used in baking to Add moisture Helps to activate the leavening agent(s) Improves the texture Helps to improve the “mouth feel” of the finished product The steam created helps to add volume There are many types of liquids that can be used Water Milk Juices KJyDil1ZDkY/T9GMyniH45I/AAAAAAAAA4k/QLboO6ZBoK4/s1600/f asting.jpg
Salt is an important ingredient in baked goods It provides Flavor Enhances the flavor of other ingredients EG) chocolate In yeast dough, salt slows down the yeast fermentation which allows flavor to develop content/uploads/2012/06/combating-salt-cravings_.jpg
Flavorings are very common in baked goods They can include Extracts Vanilla, maple, lemon, orange, etc. Herbs and Spices Basil, oregano, cinnamon, cloves, etc. Other ingredients Chocolate chips, nuts, coconut, etc. pg