The State of Nursing in the Commonwealth Shirley Gibson, MSHA, RN President Virginia Nurses Association
OBJECTIVES To review the status of the nursing shortage To describe national trends and the effect on the state To discuss the current work of nursing in the Commonwealth
Environmental Scan Shortage Staffing Unions Competency Resources
Virginia’s Nursing Shortage Recession blip - nothing has changed to radically impact the demographics of the shortage VNA has not changed its messaging Virginia will be short 20,000 nurses by 2020 One in three citizens in the Commonwealth will not have a nurse when they need one
Safe Staffing Safe Staffing Advisory Council (SSAC) Representatives from various practice sites and regions VHHA, AARP VA, VANHA ANA Safe Staffing Saves Lives Campaign VNA’s messaging is there is no one solution and ratios will not solve this Collaboration is key
Safe Staffing Collaboration on white paper −VNA −VONE −VHHA VNA Calls −Staff Nurses Provide −Sounding board −Redirect in the organization −Provide ways to open dialogue
Unions ANA MOU not renewed −UAN −Center for American Nurses Nurses-National Nurses Organizing Committee −UAN −CAN-NNOC (AFL-CIO) −MNA Employee Free Choice act SSAC and Conflict Engagement program are key message focuses that can counter the union
Good News – Progress on Education Capacity State Council of Higher Education Report 2004 Recommended an increase of 900 and was achieved Education Summit Team −RWJ/AARP/Center to Champion Nursing in America May 22, Round Table
Good News – Progress on Quantifying Supply and Demand Workforce Investment Act grant Department of Health Professions – Healthcare Workforce Data Center Advisory Committee −Physician Committee −Nursing Committee −Data Committee Touch-points on the Minimum Data Set
Competency AARP VA – studying continuing education requirements for nurses as well as other health care professionals AARP VA grant to the Board of Nursing for an education workshop around this issue Continuing education does not equal competency
National Trends Impacting Virginia ANA −New CEO –Marla Weston, PhD, RN Federal stimulus funds that may be available for HIT, workforce etc. National appointment of nurse −Mary Wakefield, Administrator Health Resources and Service Administration Health care reform
Virginia Nurses Association So what is VNA doing ?
The SIR Report Nurses feel unsupported in the workplace Whether they are a member or a non-member they feel like VNA is the voice for nursing Evidence based messaging and strategic planning Working together is key Nurses feel unsupported in the workplace Whether they are a member or a non-member they feel like VNA is the voice for nursing Evidence based messaging and strategic planning Working together is key Nurses feel unsupported in the workplace Whether they are a member or a non-member they feel like VNA is the voice for nursing Evidence based messaging and strategic planning Working together is key
Collaboration Continues Resource allocation remains a challenge for all organizations doing the work of nursing Aggregate work to share resources −VCNP is now a council of VNA −VNA/VMC partnership to advance the philosophy of Magnet forces for nursing −Strong alignment with VPN −Collaborating with VONE, VHHA, AARP VA and others on safe staffing −VCNE – vision
Resources ANA, The Center for American Nurses, and VNA will continue to be your resource for advocacy and information VNA committed to distilling and disseminating information that is useful to the nursing community
Center For American Nurses Create healthy work environments through: −Advocacy −Education −Research If you are a member of ANA/VNA you are a member of the Center for American Nurses
Center’s Priority Issues Conflict engagement −HRSA is a grant partner −Conflict engagement module Healthy work environments VNA received grants to address minimal left and green working environments NIEP grant - nurse investor education program grants for seminars and workshops
Center Products And Services Legal Resource Center – new! −Legal Basics for Nurses webinars −Nurses First – new online journal LEAD Summit 2009 – June 11 to June 13 in Orlando Co-branding and partnership opportunities such as the Career Center VNA members on Center board −Terri Haller, treasurer −Becky Bowers-Lanier, director at large
Virginia Nurses Association The mission of VNA is to provide advocacy and education for Registered Nurses to advance professional practice and influence the delivery of quality care
VNA’s Strategic Plan Legislative Advocacy and Public Policy Image Empower nurses to attain a positive work environment
#1 Goal: Public Policy And Legislative Advocacy Objectives −Enhance recognition of the nursing profession −Ensure a positive legislative and regulatory climate for nursing practice
#2 Goal: Enhance Image For VNA Objectives −Develop and communicate messaging that distinguishes VNA −Use data driven methods to determine marketing and communications strategies
#3 Goal Attain A Positive Work Environment Objectives −Promote evidence based nursing practice to achieve nursing excellence −Empower nurses to attain a positive work environment
Virginia Nurses Foundation Purpose is to award scholarships for nursing education in Virginia as well as research grants 2008 Gala collaboration with the Virginia Magnet Consortium to recognize nursing excellence in Virginia Education Day Friday, October 16 Save the date – Saturday, October 17, 2009
Nurse Leadership Institute A strategy for retention Funded for the next five years with a grant from the Richmond Memorial Health Foundation and funds from the nursing community Next class of cohorts is forming
The Virginia Magnet Consortium
VA Magnet Consortium Workforce Development New Knowledge and Research Professional Engagement, Professional Development and Recognition of Nursing Guiding and Mentoring other Organizations
The NPR Membership Argument All this work is already being done… why do I need to belong?
Belonging IS Important! More nurses belonging to nursing associations…. −Gives additional power to the association when speaking in front of Congress and other regulatory bodies −Gives additional funds for associations to do work on behalf of the profession −Puts nursing in a position to direct health care policy versus reacting to it
Plus Membership Gives You A voice in the decisions being made for the profession – practice is local Discounts and benefits as a member including CE and certification classes Access to members only information A chance to interact with nurses around the country
Your voice should be heard! Gubernatorial election Kitchen Cabinet Nurse - PAC
Join And Lift Up Your Voice!