There were a lot of olive trees There was also a lot of pantheons Mountains (so the view was cool) The soil was thin and rocky but the people still grew olives and grapes
Grapes Wheat Corn Bread(Maza and Artos) Lentils Eggs Figs Olives Breakfast: maza or artos soaked in diluted wine with olives or figs Meat was only eaten on special occasions Lower level people ate fish
Women and servants wove the clothes Women: long dresses called chitons For Warmth: men and women wore a shawl like himation(it draped over the shoulders Men: short tunic made of colored wool
Lived in small houses Had two or three rooms All homes had a small wooden stove or portable charcoal
They had commerce in the agora (marketplace)that discussed politics and culture They had drinking parties for the wealthy men while the woman entertained Symposia (parties)
They used mud bricks Everyone had portable charcoal or wood stove They had crossbows for hunting Handmade tools Pans, chariots, wheels They also had a unique tool called the strigil to scrape off access oil and dirt after excising
They traded pottery Used money Sold homemade things ( such as bread perfume etc.) Traded food with other people
The democratic government that the Greeks developed later inspired political thinkers During Athens early history the city recited a gradual economic and political compromise that let the rich and the poor live together peacefully The rich Athens tried to hold on to power for to long and became a result of a radical democratic revolution in the sixth century
Ancient Greeks religion was that upon what there lives were built on. They built temples in every town for there gods and goddesses Believed the gods came from the Gaia (earth) and Uranos (sky) They believed the twelve most important gods and goddess lived on the top of Mount Olympus Greek Gods Zeus(lord of the sky) Poseidon(lord of the sea) Hades(lord of the underworld) Aphrodite(goddess of love) Hestia(goddess of home) Hera(goddess of family) Ares(god of war) Apollo(god of the sun) Artemis(god of huntsmen Athena(goddess of wisdom) Hermes(messenger of gods) Hephaestus(god of fire)
The Greeks were the first Europeans to read and write with an alphabet Early Greek alphabet suited to the local dialects the 3 major dialects were Aeolic, Doric, and Ionic The first surviving scripts for writing Greek was the Linear B discovered in 1953
God of wine Beautiful plays to worship the drama god (Dionysus) The temples to worship the gods were made of hand carved stone
Pottery Poetry festivals
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