Member Portal
Improved Member Experience Platform transformation improves the capabilities of the member portal and offers new self-service tools that make it easier for members to manage their benefits and make informed decisions about their health care. Member Portal Streamlined Navigation Health Savings Account Management Integration of Health and Wellness tools
Member Login and Registration Members access the familiar Re-registration is not required. Routing determines if the member is migrated and sends the member to the proper portal.
Member Landing Page The member landing page brings the most frequently used features to the member’s attention. Standard navigation allows simple, alternate ways to easily accomplish the goals of their visit.
Provider Search There are multiple ways to access the provider directory.
Provider Search Same provider directory. Familiar search capabilities.
Viewing Claims Member can also access claims information from multiple points.
Viewing Claims Historical claims from the old platform will be available for viewing. New claims will display together with historical claims. Slider bar and date picker allows easy claim searches for up to two years. Payment Statements easily viewed, printed or downloaded via PDF format.
My Benefits Accessing benefit and member information is also easily found by the member. SBCs will display to the member as well.
My Benefits Summary Page Access to benefit booklets. Access to detailed member information and money saving suggestions. Hover over key items for easy explanation of health care terms.
Health and Wellness Information Powered by WebMD Health and wellness information is accessed from the landing page and through standard tab navigation.
Health and Wellness Information Powered by WebMD Same wellness content provides a familiar user experience. Wellness centers provide consolidated health information. Existing wellness records will be converted at migration for continuity of information.
ID Card requests and virtual ID card display is a highly utilized site feature. ID Card Requests and Viewing
ID cards can be requested and sent to any address. ID cards can also be viewed online and printed.
ID Card Requests and Viewing ID cards can be requested and sent to any address. ID cards can also be viewed online and printed. Members can access a temporary ID card via their smart phone
The RX link will transition to FutureScripts for pharmacy benefits and functionality. The Go Green feature allows the member to eliminate paper EOBs. Member Landing Page
The list of referrals can be expanded to provide specific details. Referrals Page
Spending accounts can be accessed from many entry sites from the Home page and underlying pages. Spending Accounts