Immigration and Emigration Why did people come to Britain or leave Britain
Immigration Come into a country and settle there. So why do people come to Britain? –Better standard of living –Democracy –Employment
People left Ireland for many reasons during the 19 th Century. –1840s Irish Famine –Industrial Work –Overcrowding –Poverty –Backwards economy
Italians came to Britain, mainly from Southern Italy, to escape poverty. Many Lithuanians and Poles came to Scotland to work mainly in the coal mines. Jewish people came to Scotland to escape persecution in Nazi Germany during the 1930s
From the 1940s, many came from the British commonwealth Chinese from Hong Kong Indians Pakistanis West Indians Caribbean All came seeking work and better lives
India Pakistan Hong Kong Poland Caribbean West Indies
Emigration Poverty at home encouraged many Scots to leave. Where did Scots people Emigrate to?
Between 1904 and 1913, 600,000 Scots (13% of population), emigrated. 1920s and 30s saw economic problems so the flood of emigrants halted From , an estimated 450,000 Scots emigrated Many young and ambitious people left the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. Population of Highlands and Islands dropped from 180,000 in 1881 to 120,000 in 1931.
Many Skilled workers and professional people left Scotland, lured by better pay and conditions
Canada, Australia and New Zealand encouraged immigration, adverts offering jobs and help with the cost of the Journey Higher wages and cheaper food, clothes and housing attracted many emigrants in the 1950s and 60s.