CURSIVE HANDWRITING In fourth grade, we gradually work our way to write everything in cursive except for in mathematics and on maps. We will spend time throughout first semester working on improving our cursive writing.
HISTORY History in fourth grade is filled with a lot of fun learning about different cultures and periods of time in history from ancient civilizations to the American Revolution. Fourth Grade does study ancient Islam. Throughout this unit we study the important contributions of the Islamic culture to Western civilization. It encompasses and details the areas of science, mathematics, art, architecture, and significant individuals affecting the culture.
COLORADO HISTORY Another important part of history in fourth grade is learning about the economy, geography, and government of the state of Colorado!
SCIENCE Fourth grade science involves learning about chemistry including an intro to the scientific method, the heart and lungs, geology, weather, and electricity. Fourth grade also participates in the science fair.
MATHEMATICS At the beginning of the school year, each student will be given a Saxon placement test to help the teachers determine each student’s math abilities. Some students may be working in the Intermediate 4 book, the Intermediate 5 book, or may move in to the Course 1 book. We encourage all students to know their math facts before entering fourth grade.
FOURTH GRADE NOVELS We read the following novels throughout the year and with each do in class projects and tests which are part of your child’s reading grade. Robinson Crusoe Treasure Island Pollyanna King Arthur Robin Hood Legend of Sleepy Hollow Rip Van Winkle Gulliver’s Travels
ADVANCED READING CHALLENGE (ARC) Summer Reading You will be required to read two books over the summer. One book is your choice off of the ARC list. The other book, Tale of Despereaux, is the one chosen by the fourth grade teachers. You will need to complete an ARC project on Tale of Despereaux which is due the first week of school. A test will be given on the Tale of Despereaux during the second week of school. School Year Reading All students are required to submit one ARC book and project per month. Can you still read more than the one required book per month? Absolutely! In fact, we encourage you to strive for that goal of 25 books for the school year.
UNIT TESTS Tests will be given at the end of all history and science units. Study guides will be handed out at least 1 week in advance and will be located on our website at fourthgradechronicles.weebly.com Throughout each unit we will build out what we call our interactive foldable notebook. Each student should use this in conjunction with the study guide to study for the tests.
IMPORTANT TESTS IN FOURTH GRADE Stanford Achievement Test (SAT 10)- taken in August and in May Galileo- This is a computer-based test focusing on language arts, science, and mathematics. It is taken in the fall, winter, and spring. Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC)- taken in March We also have the Colorado Measure of Academic Success (CMAS) Which is an additional test for fourth grade covering geography and will be given in the spring.
INFINITE CAMPUS (IC)/ PARENT PORTAL It is important to log on to Infinite Campus each week to check on your grades and to see if you have any missing or late work. Please contact the front office for a log-on identification code.
FOURTH GRADE LATE WORK POLICY If you have late work in fourth grade, it will have 10% deduction per day late up to 50%. After 5 days if the assignment still has not been turned in, a zero will be entered into Infinite Campus.
PROJECTS IN FOURTH GRADE The following are projects assigned throughout the year and will need to be completed as part of homework. We do give about 6 weeks for each project. Middle Ages – research and do a project on a medieval figure. American Revolution – research on a hero from the American Revolution time period. Students will dress up as their researched character and be in a “wax museum”. Science - science fair projects are completed at home as individual projects.
HOMEWORK Homework is slated for 15 minutes per night per grade level. So fourth grade should have about 1 hour 15 minutes of homework nightly. This does not include the required 20 minutes for reading. Homework will include: Math, Spelling, history projects, science projects, ARC projects, and all other homework not completed in class e.g. working on memorization of poems, Wordly Wise, grammar, reading and answering questions related to in class novels.
FIELD TRIPS We like to take the opportunity to learn outside of the classroom. Three important field trips we take during the school year are to Camp Shady Brook, Glen Eyrie, and the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. We also have in house “field trips” such as: dissection of sheep hearts, Medieval Day, a weather person, and a business entrepreneur (any volunteers?) from Junior Achievement to teach the students about economics.
COMMUNICATION We will send out s as necessary so please make sure your child’s teacher has your address. We will do the majority of communicating through our website found at fourthgradechronicles.weebly.com. Please check our website frequently as this is where we put weekly spelling words, study guides, other subject requirements, and class information such as discipline plans, etc…