4 th Grade Science Project Seamus Galey
What can make a battery? Can a battery be made with different objects?
Hypothesis: I believe that both natural and man made materials can make a battery.
Research Information: ttery.htmhttp://chemistry.about.com/od/chemistryhowtoguide/a/fruitba ttery.htm Citrus fruits are an acid that can make electricity for a battery such as a lemon. /discover/powerplant.htmlhttp:// /discover/powerplant.html Some batteries make electricity with a chemical reaction between two different metals which are zinc and copper. ake_a_battery_with_a_lemonhttp:// ake_a_battery_with_a_lemon Contains instructions on how to make a battery with a dime and a penny.
Research Information: cont Green Science Enviro Battery Kit –A zinc plate is a negative electrode. A copper plate is a positive electrode. When they are put into the electrolyte such as lemon juice a chemical reaction takes place that makes electricity. The Way Things Work, by David Macauly Science information book –A battery has powdered zinc and mercury oxide in an alkaline electrolyte. –A car battery has plates of lead oxide and a lead metal used in sulfuric acid electrolyte.
Materials List Connection wires Transparent tape 3 glass cups Light tower with LED lamp LCD watch moment Sound chip Copper plates Zinc plates
Materials List cont. Two lemon Two potatoes Two cups of dirt Three cups of water A pumpkin Salt Vinegar Lemon juice
Procedures: Potato 1. With the connection wire place the copper and zinc plates in the potato. 2. Attach the LCD watch to the copper and zinc plates put in the potato. 3. Connect the wires and watch.
Procedures: Lemon 1. With the clock put the wires in the lemon 2. Observe the clock.
Procedures: Water 1. Get 3 bottles of water and put 1 copper, and 1 zinc in each bottle. 2. Connect the wires and watch the light.
Exp # + Electrode- ElectrodeElectrolyteDisplay Media # of connections Comments 1Copper Plate Zinc PlatePotatoLCD Clock2Powered the Clock 2Copper Plate Zinc PlateMudSound Chip 2A faint buzz was heard 3Copper Plate Zinc PlateWaterLED Lamp2A faint light 4Copper Plate Zinc PlatePotatoSound Chip 2The Potato connection chirped louder than Mud 5Copper Plate Zinc PlateLemonSound Chip 2The lemon connection had a medium chirp 6Copper Plate Zinc PlateWater and Vinegar Sound Chip 4The Vinegar mixture chirped louder than mud and lemon 7Copper Plate Zinc PlateWater and Salt Sound Chip 4The Salt mixture chirped louder than the vinegar Observations Analysis Table
Observations Continued Exp #+ Electrode-ElectrodeElectrolyteDisplay Media # of Connections Comments 8Copper Plate Zinc PlateWater and Lemon Juice Sound Chip 4The water and lemon juice mixture chirped the loudest of all 9Copper Plate Zinc PlateWater and Lemon Juice LED Lamp4The water and lemon juice mixture had the brightest LED light 10Copper Plate Zinc PlateWater and Salt LED Lamp4The water and salt mixture had the least brightest LED light 11Copper Plate Zinc PlatePumpkinSound Chip 2The pumpkin connection had the lowest chirp 12Copper Plate Zinc PlatePumpkinClock2The pumpkin did not have enough power to run the LCD clock
Conclusion My hypothesis was correct. Both natural and man made materials can make a battery. While doing the experiment I found that stuff with the most acid powers the best. I would change my pumpkin experiment because it did not have enough power for anything.
References: ide/a/fruitbattery.htmhttp://chemistry.about.com/od/chemistryhowtogu ide/a/fruitbattery.htm /discover/powerplant.htmlhttp:// /discover/powerplant.html 1/how_to_make_a_battery_with_a_lemonhttp:// 1/how_to_make_a_battery_with_a_lemon Green Science Enviro Battery Kit The Way Things Work, by David Macauly Science information book