Decision Making “Decision making is an action or process of choosing a preferred option or course of action from a set of alternatives. It forms the basis of all deliberate and voluntary behaviour”.
Quality decision making is a critical skill in sports. The quality of your decisions has a massive impact on your results. Experience plays a significant part in the decision making process such as your skill repertoire as do many other sub factors such as concentration and level of arousal. _cIhttps:// _cI - Skill Acquisition
We need to understand the information processing system and the impact on decision making. Our brains are human processors of information. This processing of information is used to help us analyse how skills are performed, and also to help us learn. If you are unable to process information you will be unable to make adjustments to performance based on the information received. Being able to identify external factors which could limit success, and then make conscious decisions to overcome these scenarios must be learnt. This will result in faster decision making and motor responses in open play.
How does the information Processing system work? Input information from our senses Cues from external sources
Brain judges/sorts input information Deems what is important Disregards noise Distractions Makes sense of sensory input through cognitive thought. This prevents brain overload.
Decision Making Once sensory input has been processed a decision to cope with this scenario is made. Output then occurs Nervous impulses to the muscles and motor response occurs. CONTINUOUS CYCLE
Memory Short term memory Errors retained to make corrections when next executed. Aspects of good play briefly retained to replicate. Long term Memory Acquired knowledge of sub routines gained through practice and play retained. You can then draw upon past experiences to create a faster decision and motor response.
Novice Can only process 1 or 2 points Slower to process info and anticipate Too many points cause error and overload Do not have past experience and knowledge to inform decision making Slower motor responses and decision making Automatic Faster anticipation and cue recognition Can be selective with information input to ignore what is irrelevant An array of past experiences to utilise to in any pressure scenario Can concentrate on more than one piece of info at one time Swift decision making
A tennis player sees an opponent serve the ball and prepares to return it. Reaction time is the brief interval of time it takes for the player to determine how to play the ball before he or she ever begins to move. An athlete's ability to react shows how quickly and effectively her or she can make decisions and initiate actions. Key strategies can accelerate the decision making process to give athletes an edge in competitive situations. Delays in responses can make the difference between winning and losing. The speed and accuracy with which each decision is made is influenced by several factors, including: The number of decisions that need to be made; the number of responses players have to choose from; the time available to make the decision; and finally, the costs associated with making incorrect decisions.
For effective decisions we make use of SENSES PAST EXPERIENCE OUR ABILITY TO ‘READ’ WHAT NEXT.
“Experience is the thing that allows for the situation assessment that is at the heart of intuitive decision making. Experience allows us to recognize a situation as typical--that is, within our range of understanding. Although each situation is unique, experience allows us to recognize similarities or patterns and to understand what those patterns typically mean. If we have sufficient experience (and have learned by it) we do not need to reason our way through a situation, but instead simply know how to act appropriately. In general, the greater the experience, the greater the decision making capacity”
JE&list=UUZyJfFkdwLTPuSRrG4Te9dAhttps:// JE&list=UUZyJfFkdwLTPuSRrG4Te9dA - Decision making – American Football
DgAhttps:// DgA - Decision Making, Space Movie
Vhghttps:// Vhg - Developing Decision Making in Football
Reduced errors as players respond effectively to cues in the game to make the correct judgements and can ignore possible distractions. Swift decisions result in higher success rate, good timing and fluidity in movements. Fast decisions allows a varied stroke repertoire to outmanoeuvre opponents Good perception and able to play the right shot at the right time Decisions more spontaneous as a player has strong belief in their ability POSITIVE impact of good decision making on performance
Impact Negative Recall of past experiences limited impacting decisons and judgments in a "live performance" Poor attention selection (Focusing on what is not important) Inability to read the game and solve problems Miss vital cues in the game which would direct attention impacting antiicpation. Frequent, repetitive mistakes Confusion from brain overload. Decsion not instinctive, delayed as it take longer to process info. POOR DECISION MAKING IMPACT ON PERFORMANCE
Watching the speed of the decision making in this rally bGd4https:// bGd4 - Badminton Doubles