Blog: www. msstefania. wordpress Blog: Here you can find: a - Upcoming activities and events. - Pictures taken during these activities and events. - Educational games and resources linked to current topics being covered. - and more…
Personal Possessions: Kindly encourage your child to take care of his or her personal possessions. Also check that they bring all the necessary school items with them everyday.
Personal Possessions: Children should have one pencil case for pencils, ruler, rubber and sharpener. Crayons should be stored separately.
Glue and Scissors: These will be kept by the teacher at school Glue and Scissors: These will be kept by the teacher at school. Kindly check that they are labelled with the child’s name.
Play dough: We will be using play dough for various activities, including number and letter formation, number value, etc… It also helps children to refine their motor skills. Kindly see that it is stored in an enclosed and labelled container as it will be kept at school as well.
Aprons: Children will need aprons during cooking or painting activities, so that they will not mess up their uniform.
Flat Files: If possible keep 3 flat files at home as follows: Flat Files: If possible keep 3 flat files at home as follows: Maths – Green English – Blue Maltese - Red
Reward Systems: 1. Smileys Chart 2. Pebble Jar
Monday Game: After each set, I give a list of words to study, based on the letters of the set. Then the following Monday the children will be assessed on reading and writing these words.
Monday Game: 1. Blending: /m/ /a/ - /ma/ 2. Decoding: /ma/ - /m/ /a/
Reading: 1. Classroom Library:. - Every Friday Reading: 1. Classroom Library: - Every Friday - Children choose a book themselves. - They will have a handout to write the title of the book chosen and date, for the parents to sign.
Reading: 2. Guided reading (Bug Club) Reading: 2. Guided reading (Bug Club) - Children are divided in 3 different levels. - I can change their groups accordingly. - I will be assigning books to read online from home according to their reading ability.
Communication book: If possible do not talk to me after school time, as there is a school policy that strictly states to do so. This is for very obvious reasons. It is best if we keep a copybook (brown cover) labelled Communication Book, on which we can correspond. Kindly sign all notes written by me or Ms. Mariodette, so that we will know that the note has been read and understood by a parent/guardian. Thank you.
Dismissal: Kindly inform me when you have collected your child and be sure that I am aware of this.
Homework: Kindly check that your child has done all his/her homework Homework: Kindly check that your child has done all his/her homework. I will emphasize this! Coming to school without homework or missing items is not an excuse. Kindly understand that we cannot check each and every pupils’ bag, under their desks, notebooks, etc... Emphasize with your children that they should be responsible for their things and make sure they have everything they need.
Pink Copybook: To use with other teachers when I am absent, or when they finish off an exercise I will give them some extra work to do on this copybook.
Money for outings: Kindly send the money for the outings until a day before. Money on the day of the outing will not be accepted as per head instructions.
Money: Kindly see that when sending money this is safely stored in an enclosed case (e.g. envelope, pocket, purse, etc…)
Very Important!!! If there are any food allergies or anything that I should know about, it is imperative that I am made aware immediately.
Feel free to ask questions or talk to me in private Feel free to ask questions or talk to me in private. Thank you for your time and attention.