2 If viewing this lesson in Powerpoint Use down or up arrows to navigate
3 Do take notes as we peruse through this lesson…
4 Azimuth and Distance
5 An azimuth is a compass direction from one point to another…
6 To use azimuth…a reference point must be established…
7 The north pole of Planet Earth can be used as a reference point.
8 Place a protractor on the surface of our planet.
9 The “N” of the protractor matches the “N” of our planet…
10 “N” stands for north!
11 North is a reference on our planet.
12 Now we can find an azimuth…
13 From the middle of the protractor…where the blue star resides
14 To the green star…is an azimuth…a compass direction.
15 The azimuth is 35° true
16 A back azimuth is just an azimuth in the opposite direction…
17 From the green star to the blue star…
18 The back azimuth is 215° true
19 Adding 180° to 35° produces a back azimuth of 215.
20 RULE #346: If an azimuth is 180° or less…then add 180 ° for a back azimuth
21 RULE#9999: If an azimuth is 181 or more…then subtract 180 for a back azimuth
22 We can find azimuths using a map
23 A map is a small graphical representation of the surface of the planet…
24 Maps represent land…
25 To find an azimuth on a map… two locations are needed…
26 An origination point (A) and a destination point (B)…
27 A B
28 Mark 2 locations on the map with a green dry erase marker…
30 With a green dry erase marker draw a line between the 2 points……
32 Place a protractor on the map…
34 Make sure that the protractor’s north/south axis is aligned with the north/south axis of the chart…
36 The north/south axis of the protractor must be parallel with the north/south axis of the map…
37 Also make sure that the “N” of the protractor is pointing to the of the map…
38 Then read the azimuth…
41 The azimuth is 135° true…
42 Distances can be determined from maps…
43 There is a distance scale on the Livermore Map …it is located at the bottom of the map.
44 scale
45 The scale represents 2 kilometers
46 1 km scale
47 1 km scale
48 2 km scale
49 With a ruler, measure the length of a 1 kilometer segment of the distance scale…
50 The length should be about 4.2 cm
51 Use this relationship… 1km 4.2 cm
52 To determine the distance between two points on a map…
53 Draw a line with a dry erase marker between 2 points…
54 Then measure the line in centimeters…
55 If the line is 29 cm… use the relationship… 1km 4.2 cm
56 1km 4.2cm x 29cm = Solve for “X”…
57 The distance on the map is 6.9 kilometers
58 By the way…distances in this lab will utilize the metric system
59 Ask Bob for Lab 09-2Q questions
60 END L09-2