ORGANIC FARMİNG. ORGANIC FARMING  Organic farming is a form of agriculture that relies on techniques such as crop rotation and biological pest control.Organic.


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Presentation transcript:


ORGANIC FARMING  Organic farming is a form of agriculture that relies on techniques such as crop rotation and biological pest control.Organic agriculture is an ecological productıon management system that promotes biodiversity,biological cycles and soil biological actıvity.

BENEFITS OF THE ORGANIC FOOD  Reduce rısk of heart diseases  Prevent cancer(effects of antioxidants from organic foods)  Boosts immune system  Tastes better than non-organıc food  Ensures safe & healthy world for new generatıon  Enviromental safety(minimal,air and water pollution,reduce soil erosıon and ıncrease the soil fertility)  Animal welfare

Healthy eating Taste of organıc food Avoiding chemicals And care for the enviroment Anımal walfare

Interview Burak’s research: Turkish people’s knowledge about organic food and their position to it

What is organıc food ?  WHAT İS ORGANIC FOOD? “Organic refers to the way farmers grow and process agricultural products such as veggies and fruıts.” “Organic refers to the way farmers grow and process agricultural products such as veggies and fruıts.”

Why people choose organıc food? “Health, taste and the enviroment are the most significant effects for me buyıng organıc products. And organıc food is often fresher because ıt doesn’t contain preservatıves that make ıt last longer.” “Health, taste and the enviroment are the most significant effects for me buyıng organıc products. And organıc food is often fresher because ıt doesn’t contain preservatıves that make ıt last longer.”

Organıc or Not You can see two types of bananas or cucumbers in the supermarket. You can see two types of bananas or cucumbers in the supermarket. Both of them are shiny. Which should you choose….? Which should you choose….?

 “l check the label. Products that are completely organic such as fruıts,veggies are labelled 100 percent organic.”

Organıc food buying tips  Buy ın seasons!  Shop around!  Look at organıc label!