WHAT ARE THEY? Solid fats in the diet Solid fats in the diet
WHERE ARE THEY FOUND? Meat and dairy products Meat and dairy products BeefPork ButterCream Whole-fat Milk/Ice CreamCheese Coconut OilPalm Oil
WHAT DO THEY CAUSE? Increase LDL cholesterol Increase LDL cholesterol Increase risk for heart disease Increase risk for heart disease Ascherio and Willett – Saturated fats increased LDL but don’t decrease HDL Ascherio and Willett – Saturated fats increased LDL but don’t decrease HDL
WHAT ARE THEY? Two kinds Two kinds Natural Natural Meat and dairy products Meat and dairy products Artificial Artificial Hydrogenated oils Hydrogenated oils
HYDROGENATION Hydrogen is added to a liquid oil turning it into a solid fat Hydrogen is added to a liquid oil turning it into a solid fat
WHY? Increases: Increases: Melting point Melting point Shelf life Shelf life Texture Texture Stability Stability Inexpensive Inexpensive
WHERE ARE THEY FOUND? Fried foodsCake CookiesPie MargarineSpreads Ready-to-use frostingCoffee creamers Also found in other foods made in commercial kitchens
WHAT DO THEY CAUSE? Increase LDL cholesterol Increase LDL cholesterol Decrease HDL cholesterol Decrease HDL cholesterol Increase risk of Increase risk of Heart disease Heart disease Stroke Stroke Type II Diabetes Type II Diabetes
WHAT DO THEY CAUSE? Nurses Health Study – Total trans fat intake associated with elevated risk of CHD Nurses Health Study – Total trans fat intake associated with elevated risk of CHD Costa Rica – Total trans fat intake associated with increased MI risk Costa Rica – Total trans fat intake associated with increased MI risk Mensink and Katan – Compared diet with 11% of calories from trans fat to a diet similar but with oleic acid. LDL increased, HDL decreased Mensink and Katan – Compared diet with 11% of calories from trans fat to a diet similar but with oleic acid. LDL increased, HDL decreased
HOW MUCH IS RECOMMENDED? American Heart Association: American Heart Association: TRANS FAT - No more than 1% of total calories TRANS FAT - No more than 1% of total calories SATURATED FAT – No more than 7% of total calories SATURATED FAT – No more than 7% of total calories If you need 2000 Calories per day This equals 15 Grams of saturated fat per day Or 2 Grams of trans fat per day
LABEL READING FDA labeling rules FDA labeling rules <0.5 g trans fat/serving – can claim 0g trans fat <0.5 g trans fat/serving – can claim 0g trans fat Serving Size Serving Size
WHICH IS BETTER? SATURATED OR TRANS FAT? Neither! Neither! Trans fats may have more negative effects Trans fats may have more negative effects But both should be limited in the diet But both should be limited in the diet
TAKE HOME MESSAGE Impossible to cut trans or saturated fat completely out of diet Impossible to cut trans or saturated fat completely out of diet It’s ok to still eat those cookies or ice cream It’s ok to still eat those cookies or ice cream The key is moderation and label reading The key is moderation and label reading