UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS VISION 2 University of Cyprus aims to establish itself as a Pioneer Research Institution achieving International Scientific Recognition in European Higher Education, offering Competitive Programmes and to become a Centre of Excellence in the wider Euro - Mediterranean Region. TeachingResearchInnovationCreativity Social Contribution 5 pillars of action
UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS FACTS AND FIGURES 3 Established in 1989 and accepted its first students in : students Objective: students by academic personnel58 visiting professors118 research personnel336 special scientists67 teaching staff508 administrative personnel156 Bilateral Agreements of Cooperation The Campus in m²: Total: m², New University Campus: m², Future Plan: m²
UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS FACTS AND FIGURES 4 8 Faculties: Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics and Management Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences Faculty of Social Sciences and Education Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Letters Graduate School Medical School 22 Departments11 Research Units
UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS FACTS AND FIGURES 6 41 undergraduate programmes 103 programmes at both the Masters and PhD levels School of Modern Greek: teaching the Greek language to non-native speakers University Business Liaison Office: Objective: attaining a better and stronger communication and cooperation between Universities and the Industry Language Centre: currently offers courses for the learning 7 languages Centre for Teaching and Learning: its aim is the support / development of teaching / learning, so that these may correspond to modern needs and internationally compatible and competitive quality criteria Centre for Continuing Education, Assessment and Development: has been in operation since 2002 and its aim is the essential contribution to the upgrading of education, assessment and development of personnel in Cyprus and abroad
UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS RESEARCH CENTERS 7 1 Archaeological Research Unit 2 Nanotechnology Research Centre «Ifestos» 3 Center for Banking and Financial Research 4 «ΚΙΟS» Research Centre for Intelligent Systems and Networks 5 Economics Research Centre 6 Oceanography Centre 7 Research Centre for Gender Studies 8 «NIREAS» International Water Research Center 9 Research Centre for Molecular Medicine 10 Applied Neuroscience and Neurobehavioral Research Centre 11 Research Centre for Sustainable Energy
UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS ACHIEVEMENTS 8 In 2007 Cyprus was ranked first in Europe in success rate of European Research Consortium (ERC) programmes compared to its population, entirely based on submissions of proposals from UCY researchers
UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS ACHIEVEMENTS The “John Vanderkamp Award” for the best scientific article that was published in 2010 in the scientific periodicalCanadian Public Policy/Analyse de Politiques was awarded to Professor of the Department of Economics 2011 “3 rd European Award for Doctoral Thesis” by the European Federation of Catalyst Societies to a doctoral student of the Department of Chemistry 2011 “Lloyd´s Science Risk Prize” (UK) awarded to a Lecturer of the Department of Business and Public Management
UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS ACHIEVEMENTS 10 Cyprus first EU country to increase student mobility rate ( ) - UCY was the leading institution.
UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS ACHIEVEMENTS 11 As from May 2011, Nobel Economics Prize winner, Professor Christopher Pissarides teaches at the Department of Economics at the University of Cyprus
The University of Cyprus is active and successful in areas as shown below: Information and Communication Technologies Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies Socio-economic Sciences and the Humanities Fundamental Sciences Computational Sciences Food, agriculture and fisheries, and biotechnology Knowledge of Economy Health Environment Energy Plasma Physics Archeology and Archeometry 12 UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS RESEARCH AREAS
UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS 14 Agreements of Cooperation 156 universities and research centers in Europe, Asia, Australia, USA, Canada, the Middle East, Cyprus Provision for exchange of academic and administrative staff, students, research cooperation, joint conferences, etc Commencing of cooperation between Universities with Faculties of Greek Studies Opening towards the Middle East, Latin America, China EUROPE 2020 GOALS Developing the Euro- Mediterranean Cooperation and the EU Neighbourhood Cooperation I INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: AGREEMENTS OF COOPERATION
UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS STUDIES 16 Large scale cross – correlation between research and teaching Participation in the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System ECTS & offers to students the Diploma Supplement Undergraduate Degrees: 8 semesters (240 ECTS) Μaster degrees: 3 or 4 semesters (90 or 120 ECTS) PhD degrees: 6 semesters Academic Year 2012/13: o Undergraduate students: 5288 o Master students: 1188 o PhD students: 572 o Total no of students : 7048 Scholarships offered by Departments: Undergraduate level Postgraduate level
UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS STUDIES 17 6 Master Degrees in English Master of Business Administration (ΜΒΑ) Μaster in Economic Analysis (MECA) MSc in Finance Master in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) Master in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics Master in English Literature and Comparative Cultural Studies
Supporting the development of Joint Degrees with institutions in the international arena e.g at UCY so far, the following joint degrees have been developed 18 UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS STUDIES: JOINT DEGREES TitleDepartmentPartners School Counseling and GuidancePsychology University of Athens (Subject to approval by the relevant UCY bodies) European Master in Human Rights and Democratization Social and Political Sciences 41 institutions from the European – Inter University Centre for Human Rights and Democratization Didactics and Methodology of Mathematics Mathematics and Statistics -Education University of Athens (Departments of Mathematics/ Philosophy, Pscychology and Education/Methodology, history and Theory of Science ) European Master in Classic StudiesClassics and Philosophy Germany: Westfälische Wilhelms-University Münster, Albert- Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg & Universität Hamburg; France: Université de Toulouse - Le Mirail, Toulouse; Greece: University of Athens; Italy: Università degli Studi di Perugina, Perugia, Università degli Studi di Roma Tre, Rome; Austria: Leopold- Franzens-Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck; Poland: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Posen; Spain: Universidade da Coruña, La Coruña; Turkey: Istanbul Üniversitesi, Istanbul Master in MathematicsMathematics and Statistics Department of Mathematics, University of Poitiers, France MSc in Computer Games and Interactive Media Computer ScienceCyprus University of Technology
UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS STUDENT LIFE Sports Housing Student Clubs Financial Aid Support to students with special needs Psychological support Part-time employment to students either inside or outside the University 19