 Class: A’ class of Senior High School  Date: May 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

 Class: A’ class of Senior High School  Date: May 2015

 Students’ name: Tsopanidi Ilian Moira Eytyxia Drakopoulou Maria Teacher: Ms Tsangari Age of Students: 15 years old

 To familiarize students with a topic that is ubiquitous in their everyday life  To raise students’ awareness as to which the causes and consequences of bullying are  To actively ponder over the possible solutions to bullying both on an individual and social level  To develop students’ research and presentation skills

Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others. The behavior is often repeated. Behaviors used to assert such domination can include verbal harassment or threat, physical assault or coercion.

 Depression & anxiety & sadness & loneliness  Changes in sleep and eating patterns  Loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy.  Use of alcohol, or other drugs  Miss or skip school

 Children are afraid of consequences.  Bystanders seldom intervene.  Adults are not always present.  Adults don't always provide positive models of authority and may act aggressively themselves.

 Family risk factors :  A lack of warmth and involvement on the part of parents.  Overly-permissive parenting & a lack of parental supervision  Parent modeling of bullying behavior.  Victimization by older brothers.

Peer risk factors :  Friends who bully  Friends who have positive attitudes about violence.  Aggressive children  Children with low social status

Most of the teenagers are bullying victims Adolescents are more likely to be bullied in the school area

Bullying is a way of :  feeling powerful & gaining popularity.  Social aggression is learned behavior.  Peer group reputations stay the same.   What peers expect of bullies and victims stays the same.

Why must we stop bullying ? Children and youth who frequently bully are more likely to : Get into frequent fights and be injured Vandalize property Steal property Drink alcohol Smoke Drop out of school Become a criminal

 Anxiety & Low self-esteem & Depression  Poor social & academic performance  Depression  Alcohol and drug use  Suicide WHY MUST WE STOP BULLYING?

If the bullying doesn’t stop:  ask someone else for advice.  Don’t be afraid to let someone know that you are being bullied  Other people can be a great help

 Stay positive & be confident  Surround yourself with people who care about you.  Hang around other people.

 Avoid joining in or laughing  Walk away & report the bullying incident  Tell the bully to stop.  Put technology into good use.  Request other bystanders to stand up & support the victim.