Seminar Teacher Please click on the promotional video when you reach slide # 26
Developing Leaders in the Fields of Marketing & Distribution
Classroom TrainingOn the Job ExperienceDECA Leadership
Course Offerings: Introduction to Business & Marketing Cooperative Marketing Sports & Entertainment Marketing Advanced Marketing
Introduction to Business & Marketing An entry level course designed to explore the roles of business & marketing in the free enterprise system & global economy.
Introduction to Business & Marketing UNITS OF STUDY Economics Business Marketing Communications Skills Interpersonal Skills Consumer Choices Employability Skills Resume & Interview Skills
Cooperative Marketing Students are introduced to the marketing of goods, services, and ideas, & then learn the skills necessary for successful marketing employment. Students can combine classroom instruction with a minimum of 396 continuous hours of supervised on-the-job training in a local marketing business for a second credit.
Cooperative Marketing UNITS OF STUDY Developing a Career Human Relations Examining Marketing & Business Managing Market Information Pricing Promotion Merchandising Product/Service Mgt. Risk Management Professional Selling
Cooperative Marketing BREAKING NEWS !!!
Cooperative Marketing Combining classroom instruction with on-the-job training is not required. Students may now earn one or two credits depending on whether they work or not in an approved marketing job.
Occupational Areas
Marketing Education Occupational Areas AdvertisingAutomotive Customer Service E-CommerceEntrepreneurship Fashion Merchandising Financial ServicesFood Marketing Hospitality Marketing Import/ExportInternational Mkt. Marketing Research Product Mgt.Professional Sales Public Relations Real Estate Restaurant Mkting. Retail Management Sales Management Service Marketing Sports Marketing Travel & Tourism
Training Station Logos (Where Our Students Work)
Training Station Logos Where Our Students Work
Sports & Entertainment Marketing Students develop a thorough understanding of the sports & entertainment industry and career options available.
Example: DECA Day With the Capitals
Sports & Entertainment Marketing UNITS OF STUDY Overview of Marketing Practices Economics Business Structures & Organization Communication Strategies Interpersonal Skills Marketing Research Safety & Security Product Planning Promotion Sponsorships Public Relations & Publicity Sales Campaigns Event/Idea Development Agents & Personal Managers Licensing, Concessions & On- site Merchandising
Advanced Marketing This senior level course offers students knowledge of supervisory & management responsibilities needed for advancement on-the-job or to operate your own business
Introduction to Advanced Marketing UNITS OF STUDY Developing Marketing Management Skills Analyzing Operational Needs Managing Marketing Information Developing Product/Service Skills Purchasing Product & Services Sales management Entrepreneurship
On The Job Training Requirements & Benefits Earn While You Learn!!! Take one class & get two credits
Marketing Education On The Job Training Requirements Students must attend school & work regularly Jobs must be approved Students must work a minimum of 396 hours. Must be employed by the second week of school
D E C A An Association of Marketing Students Suggested DECA Activities Fall Social Events Fashion Shows Employer Banquets Scholarships Competitive Events Travel Community Service Leadership
D E C A An Association of Marketing Students Suggested DECA Activities Fall Social Events Fashion Shows Employer Banquets Scholarships Competitive Events Travel Community Service Leadership PROMOTIONAL VIDEO CLICK HERE
Benefits of Enrollment Networking Recognition Résumé Building Scholarships Civic Pride Fun National NRF Certification
Benefits of Enrollment
Benefits of Marketing Education Enrollment & DECA Participation Sign Up Soon!!!