The Kingdom of Right Relationships Matthew 22:34-40
Three Groups of Leaders Pharisees (v. 15) Pharisees (v. 15) –Jewish religious leaders –Largest and most influential group –“Experts in the Law” - tradition Herodians (v. 16) Herodians (v. 16) –Jewish political leaders –Followers of King Herod –Favored Roman rule of Israel Sadducees (v. 23) Sadducees (v. 23) –Jewish secular leaders –Did not believe in a spirit world/afterlife –Focus of their life - materialism
Three Great Questions Matthew 22 Pharisees and Herodians – a political question (v. 17) Pharisees and Herodians – a political question (v. 17) –“Tell us, therefore, what do You think? Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?” Sadducees – a theological question (v. 28) Sadducees – a theological question (v. 28) –“Therefore, in the resurrection, whose wife of the seven will she be?” Pharisee – a legal question (v. 36) Pharisee – a legal question (v. 36) –“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?”
A Principle All the questions had to do with relationships! All the questions had to do with relationships! –The relationship between religion and the state –The relationship between this life and the next –The relationship between man and the Law Jesus’ answers are always bigger than our questions! Jesus’ answers are always bigger than our questions! –God’s revelation is always bigger than any question man may ask about it –The answer to our questions is not in a stated answer –The “answer” is always in a relationship
The Kingdom of Right Relationships 34 But when the Pharisees heard that He had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together. 35 Then one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, and saying, 36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?” 37 Jesus said to him, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” Matthew 22:34-40
The Importance of Jesus’ Answer Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”
The Obligation of the Command Love is commanded, thus controllable! Love is commanded, thus controllable! –World says “You cannot legislate love” –The world has the wrong definition of love –The World: “If you can fall into love, then you can fall out of love” –Love is not primarily an emotion –Love is a vocation – a calling –True love involves: »Choice »Commitment »Continuation
The Obligation of the Command The command is positive The command is positive The love is distinctive The love is distinctive –agape »God »Self »Others –Agape is a love that desires only the highest good for its object
Three Kinds of Love in New Testament EROSPHILOSAGAPE Sensual (usually selfish) Social Spiritual (usually sacrificial) When alone, it is all take. It is give and take. It is all give (though it does desire) The subject loves because the object is desirable. Subject and object love because of mutual satisfaction. The subject loves only because of his own determination. “I love you if you will satisfy me,” or, “I love me and I want you.” “I love you because we are happy together.” “I love you in spite of every detriment to my love.” The object pleases the subject. Mutual pleasure between object and subject. The condition of the object does not matter. Earned by the object. Mutually earned. Not earned at all! Indifferent to the merit of the object.
The Obligation of the Command Our response in love is to be total Our response in love is to be total –Heart – the driving force of your life –Soul – “psuche” – the seat of your emotions –Mind – your ability to think and reason –Strength – the total strength of your life –The total personhood of each individual is to be involved in fulfilling the obligations of this command!
The Obligation of the Command The total personhood of each individual is to be involved in fulfilling the obligations of this command! The total personhood of each individual is to be involved in fulfilling the obligations of this command! –Our emotions are to be dominated by love –Our thoughts are to be directed by love –Our words are to be dictated by love –Our actions are to be determined by love
The Object of the Command The LORD The LORD –Deuteronomy 6:5, Leviticus 19:18 –“Jehovah” –The Self-consistent One, The Self-sufficient One –“I am” –Isaiah 57:15 – God “inhabits eternity” Thy God Thy God –“Elohim” –The Mighty, Powerful, Capable One
The Order of the Command God first, then others God first, then others –“You shall love... God... and your neighbors as yourself” –Ten Commandments »1 st four – relationship with God »Last six – relationship with others
The Order of the Command Love for others comes from our experience of the love of God! Love for others comes from our experience of the love of God! –You can never love yourself or your fellow man properly until you love God properly first! »Matthew 6:33 –No expression of the love of God toward others means no experience of the love of God in you! All Christians have trouble in relationships All Christians have trouble in relationships –Where is the deficiency? –Never allow an adversarial attitude to prevail within toward any other human being
The Order of the Command The cross carries all the weight in our relationships The cross carries all the weight in our relationships
God Me Other believers The World The most important relationship in life = God and me! The vertical relationship carries all the weight of the horizontal relationships
God’s love for man Man’s love for God Love for fellow believers Love for lost people
The Four Basic Relationships in Life To God To God To Self To Self To Others To Others To the World To the World Indispensable With the Savior With Self With the Significant others With Society Interpersonal Involvement Internal
The Four Basic Relationships in Life Trust Trust Enjoyment Enjoyment Obedience Obedience To God To God Satan wants Fear! Fear! Distrust! Distrust! To Self To Self Honesty Honesty Acceptance Acceptance Appreciation Appreciation Satan wants Hate! Hate! Worship! Worship! To Others To Others Openness Openness Vulnerability Vulnerability Affirmation Affirmation Satan wants Dominate! Dominate! Separate! Separate! To the World To the World Identification Identification Involvement Involvement Service Service Satan wants Ignore! Ignore! Go along! Go along!