The correct use of Mirrors You may have recently seen based safety advice purported to be from the Ford Motor Company on defensive driving called “A BETTER USE OF MIRRORS” It recommends adjusting your mirrors to 90 degrees for better observation. Which Allegedly “reduces” your blind spots.
This information originated in the USA several years ago. The advice was originally intended ONLY for heavy vehicles when changing lanes on interstate travel in the USA. The advice stated that Heavy Vehicle drivers had to remember to readjust their mirrors after leaving the interstate. This advice is not for “Normal” road use. The alleged reduction in your blind spots is NOT SUPPORTED by National Safety Council and other leading road safety organisations.
You will see other vehicles much faster and for longer periods Keep side mirror(s) at 90 degrees – see the road not the side of your vehicle This way you will only have 4 small blind areas New View Area BLIND AREABLIND AREA BLIND AREABLIND AREA BLIND AREABLIND AREA BLIND AREABLIND AREA NEW POSITION OF SIDE MIRRORS (YOU OBSERVE THE ROAD, NOT THE SIDE OF YOUR CAR) NOT SUPPORTED
Why this is not supported Your blind spots are actually increased as indicated This is not for City driving This is DANGEROUS As you will see from the following slides New View Area BLIND AREABLIND AREA BLIND AREABLIND AREA BLIND AREABLIND AREA BLIND AREABLIND AREA NEW POSITION OF SIDE MIRRORS (YOU OBSERVE THE ROAD, NOT THE SIDE OF YOUR CAR)
Light Vehicle With correctly adjusted mirrors you will see the side of your vehicle and approaching vehicles
Heavy Vehicle With correctly adjusted mirrors you will see the side of your vehicle and approaching vehicles
By adjusting your mirrors to 90 degrees you can see vehicles approaching.
At 90 Degrees you will not see this Taxi in your Blind spot
At 90 degrees you would not have seen this vehicle
How good is your view in the interior mirror ? Always adjust all your mirrors correctly for maximum observation