Creating maps in MS PowerPoint


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Presentation transcript:

Creating maps in MS PowerPoint – Standards and Templates – September 2010

The most relevant standards Typography: the OCHA logotype should be created in font Avenir LT Std Medium, which is available on OCHAnet the body of the information product should be created in a complementary font; either Arial sans serif or Times serif Disclaimers: English Short form: The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. English Long form: The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Jammu and Kashmir: Dotted line represents approximately the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir agreed upon by India and Pakistan. The final status of Jammu and Kashmir has not yet been agreed upon by the parties.

(text size >6<14 pt.) COUNTRY/ REGION: Map Title (as of dd month yyyy) Insert Legend (text size >6<14 pt.) Insert Map Map Doc Name: Creation Date: Web Resources: Map Data Source(s): Disclaimers: The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Modify Inset Map

PAKISTAN: Cluster Overview – Who, What, Where (as of 10 August 2010) Agriculture Camp Coordination/ Management Early Recovery Education Emergency Shelter Health Protection Water Sanitation Hygiene Food Security 4 21 22 14 Emergency Telecommunications 1 Protection Gilgit Balistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa AJK Islamabad Water Sanitation Hygiene 2 F A T A 17 2 5 Food Security Punjab Map Doc Name: Sample_PPTMap_Pak_15092010 Creation Date: 14 September 2010 Web Resources: ReliefWeb Map Data Source(s): Reliefweb, MapAction Disclaimers: The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Coordination 28 35 31 26 36 33 19 38 Balochistan Sind Abstract: Map shows total numbers of agencies operating within each Cluster at each province. Compiled by the IM Network as of 19/08/2010. The organizations have been aggregated and displayed in the map at a Province level, ensuring no double counting has occurred (note some agencies did not specify which district they were working in, and are included in Province totals) This sample map was created on the basis of the following map:$File/map.pdf?OpenElement

Disclaimer: Data sources: COUNTRY/ REGION: Map Title (as of dd month yyyy) Insert Map with Legend Modify Inset Map Disclaimer: Data sources: Insert related links.

HAITI – Ouest – Leogane: Relief Assistance Presence (as of 31 Jan 2010) Number of organizations Early Recovery/Agriculture: 2 organizations Health: 18 Food: 6 Shelter and Non-Food Items: 9 Water and Sanitation: 13 Protection: 2 Education: 0

Map elements/ suggestions Insert your text and/ or symbols here Alternatively or additionally to text explanations, you can insert photos, charts and diagrams. Insert your text and/ or symbols here Arrows can help illustrate movements, e.g., population movements: Insert your text and/ or symbols here Insert your text and/ or symbols here Try to keep the map as simple as possible. The angles of the lines and arrows should be 45 or 90 degrees. The colors you use should be in accordance with the OCHA Color Palette (see a few slides below).  See the ‘Manual for Mapping in PPT’ for further and more detailed instructions (e.g., on how to insert pictures and on how to create graphics, charts and diagrams).

Inset Maps World Asia Africa Europe and North Africa Insert text World Africa Europe and North Africa North America Insert text Asia Insert text Insert text Caribbean, Central and South America Insert text Insert text Australia, NZ Insert text

[Country] [Country]

Color Palette Pantone 279 Pantone 229 RGB 81/145/205 RGB 122/0/60 (50% opacity) RGB 164/190/227 Pantone 378 RGB 86/108/17 Reflex Blue RGB 0/85/164 Pantone Cool Gray 9 RGB 145/145/149 Pantone 660 RGB 5/108/182 Pantone Cool Gray 4 RGB 205/204/204

OCHA Symbol Catalogue – as in September 2010 –

OVERVIEW Cluster/Sector Disasters Affected Population Damage Black symbols Colored cluster symbols Disasters Affected Population Damage General Infrastructure Health Facilities Camp Security Physical Closure Armed Troop Mine/UXO Presence Water and Sanitation Relief Materials Telecommunication

1. a) CLUSTER/ SECTOR Emergency Telecommunications Agriculture Protection Camp Coordination/ Management Water Sanitation Hygiene Early Recovery Food Security Education Coordination Emergency Shelter Health Logistics Nutrition

1. b) CLUSTER/ SECTOR Agriculture Logistics CCCM & NFI Nutrition Early Recovery Protection Education Child Protection Emergency Telecoms Gender Based Violence Food Shelter Health Water Information Management Non-food items

2. DISASTERS Cold Wave Insect Infestation Heat Wave Landslide/ Mudslide Cyclone, Hurricane, Typhoon Volcanic Eruption Drought Snow Avalanche Earthquake Storm Epidemic Storm Surge Fire Tornado Flood Flash Flood Tsunami

3. AFFECTED POPULATION Affected Population Missing Dead Injured Children

4. DAMAGE Damage Affected Partially Destroyed Destroyed

5. GENERAL INFRASTRUCTURE Airport Civil Infrastructure Airport Military Helipad Church Government Office Mosque Community Building Hindu Temple Police Station Buddhism Temple Seaport Tunnel Road Bridge School Airport Food Warehouse/ Storage

6. HEALTH FACILITIES Health Facilities Hospital Clinic Health Post Psychological Support

IDP/Refugee Camp Temporary Fixed Transition Sites Refugee Registration

Arrest/ Detention/ Abduction Murder 8. SECURITY Security Hijacking Arrest/ Detention/ Abduction Murder Assault Robbery Attack Threat Forced Entry/ Office Occupation Harassment and Intimidation

Physical Closure Trench Checkpoint Military Gate Road Gate Cross Border Observation Tower Earth Mound Road Block Road Barrier

10. ARMED TROOP Armed Troop National Army Rebel Army Child Combatant

Mine/ UXO Presence UXO spots Dangerous Areas Mined Areas

Water Sources Tap stand Well Potable Water Source Borehole 12. WATER AND SANITATION Water Sources Tap stand Well Potable Water Source Borehole Spring Water Submersible Pump Latrine

Blanket 13. RELIEF MATERIALS Mosquito Net Bucket/ Jerry Can Non Food Item Clothing Plastic Sheeting Food Relief Goods Kitchen Sets Stove Mattress Tarpaulin Tent Medicine Medical Supply Bottle of Water

14. TELECOMMUNICATION Fax Radio Mobile Phone Internet

References and further information OCHA Visual Identity Guide, OCHA Guideline on Field Map Production and Dissemination (June 2009) OCHA Map Guidelines