This is the front of Birmingham museum and art gallery. It has pictures as well as information about olden days. It has pre- Raphaelite paintings and it has more modern paintings.
Art gallery The Birmingham museum and art gallery is a popular tourist attraction in the centre of Birmingham. Over one million people visit it each year.
The Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery is in Chamberlain Square. The building opened in 1885 and was expanded in 1919.The museum is open daily and admission is free.The Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery is in Chamberlain Square. The building opened in 1885 and was expanded in 1919.The museum is open daily and admission is free.
Clock tower This the front of the museum and art gallery and some of Chamberlain square where it was built in the 1880’s
BM&AG This is a picture of the outside of the Birmingham museum and art gallery it contains pre- Raphaelites and lots of history about old Birmingham.
This is a cart that would have been used in olden times and would have had been pulled by horses. This how people got around before cars were invented and the roads were full of them. The cart